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Long-Term OctoPrint Stat Manipulation Uncovered

Por: Tom Nardi
29 Junio 2024 at 11:00

Developing free and open source software can be a thankless experience. Most folks do it because it’s something they’re passionate about, with the only personal benefit being the knowledge that there are individuals out there who found your work useful enough to download and install. So imagine how you’d feel if it turns out somebody was playing around with the figures, and the steady growth in the number of installs you thought your software had turned out to be fake.

That’s what happened just a few days ago to OctoPrint developer [Gina Häußge]. Although there’s no question that her software for remotely controlling and monitoring 3D printers is immensely popular within the community, the fact remains that the numbers she’s been using to help quantify that popularity have been tampered with by an outside party. She’s pissed, and has every right to be.

[Gina] discovered this manipulation on June 26th after taking a look at the publicly available usage stats on She noticed that an unusually high number of instances appeared to be running an old OctoPrint release, and upon closer inspection, realized what she was actually seeing was a stream of bogus data that was designed to trick the stat counter. Rolling back the data, she was able to find out this spam campaign has been going on since late 2022. Tens of thousands of the users she thought she’d gained over the last two years were in fact nothing more than garbage spit out by some bot. But why?

Here’s where it gets interesting. Looking at the data being reported by these fake OctoPrint instances, [Gina] could tell the vast majority of them claimed to be running a specific plugin: OctoEverywhere. The perpetrators were clever enough to sprinkle in a random collection of other popular plugins along with it, but this specific plugin was the one most of them had in common. Sure enough this pushed OctoEverywhere to the top of the charts, making it seem like it was the most popular plugin in the community repository.

So what do the developers of OctoEverywhere have to say for themselves? In a statement that [Gina] posted on the OctoPrint blog, they claim they were able to determine a member of the community had performed the stat manipulation of their own accord, but as of this writing are unwilling to release this individual’s identity. A similar statement now appears on the OctoEverywhere website.

On June 27th, Gina Häußge, the developer behind OctoPrint, informed us of an incident involving the OctoPrint usage stats. Gina had observed that the stats were being manipulated to boost OctoEverywhere’s rankings.

We took the report very seriously and quickly started an investigation. Using private community channels, we determined a community member was responsible for manipulating the OctoPrint stats. We had a private conversation with the individual, who didn’t realize the impact they were having but apologized and promised never to do it again.

From a journalistic perspective, it would be inappropriate for us to leap to any conclusions based on the currently available information. But we will say this…we’ve heard more convincing stories on a kindergarten playground. Even if we take the statement at face value, the fact that they were able to figure out who was doing this within 48 hours of being notified would seem to indicate this person wasn’t exactly a stranger to the team.

In any event, the bogus data has now been purged from the system, and the plugin popularity charts are once again showing accurate numbers. [Gina] also says some safeguards have been put into place to help prevent this sort of tampering from happening again. As for OctoEverywhere, it slid back to its rightful place as the 6th most popular plugin, a fact that frankly makes the whole thing even more infuriating — you’d think legitimately being in the top 10 would have been enough.

On Mastodon, [Gina] expressed her disappointment in being fooled into thinking OctoPrint was growing faster than it really was, which we certainly get. But even so, OctoPrint is a wildly popular piece of software that has become the cornerstone of a vibrant community. There’s no question that her work has had a incredible impact on the world of desktop 3D printing, and while this turn of events is frustrating, it will ultimately be little more than a footnote in what is sure to be a lasting legacy.

Hosting Your Own PixMob Party Made Easy

Por: Tom Nardi
29 Junio 2024 at 05:00

Over the last few years, it’s been increasingly common for concertgoers to be handed a light-up bracelet from PixMob that synchronizes with the others in the crowd to turn the entire audience into a music visualizer. They’re a clever way of enhancing the concert experience, but unfortunately, they don’t do anything once you leave the show. Or at least, that used to be the case.

We’ve seen efforts to reverse engineer the IR (and occasionally radio) signals that drive these PixMob devices, but since we checked in last it seems like things have gotten a lot easier for the home gamer. [David Pride] has recently posted a brief write-up that shows how quickly and easily it is to get these devices fired up using nothing more exotic than an Arduino, an IR LED, and an audio sensor module.

With the audio sensor module connected to the Arduino’s digital input and the IR LED wired to digital out, all you need to do is flash firmware to the board and start playing some beats. The source code [David] has provided is a a remixed version of what’s previously been published by [Carlos Ganoza], which, in this case, has been tweaked to make the lighting patterns less random.

Presumably, this is to make the devices behave more like they do during an actual concert, but since nobody at Hackaday is cool enough to have seen a live musical performance in the last decade, we’re not really sure. All we can say is that the effect looks pretty sweet in the demo video.

Back in 2019, we saw a teardown of an early PixMob device, and by 2022, the efforts to reverse engineer their IR control protocol were well underway. We’re glad to see things have progressed to the point that you can piece together a transmitter from what’s in the parts bin, as it means at least some of these devices will have a lifespan longer than a single concert.

Solving Cold Cases With Hacked Together Gear

Por: Tom Nardi
28 Junio 2024 at 11:00

People go missing without a trace far more commonly than any of us would like to think about. Of course the authorities will conduct a search, but even assuming they have the equipment and personnel necessary, the odds are often stacked against them. A few weeks go by, then months, and eventually there’s yet another “cold case” on the books and a family is left desperate for closure.

But occasionally a small team or an individual, if determined enough, can solve such a case even when the authorities have failed. Some of these people, such as [Antti Suanto] and his brother, have even managed to close the books on multiple missing person cases. In an incredibly engrossing series of blog posts, [Antti] describes how he hacked together a pair of remotely operated vehicles to help search for and ultimately identify sunken cars.

The first he built was intended to perform reconnaissance using a consumer side-scan sonar unit. While these devices are designed to be mounted to a “real” boat, [Antti] didn’t have the room at home for one. So he did some research and eventually settled on an affordable solution that combined a watertight plastic box with pontoons made out of PVC pipes. We’ve seen similar designs before, and have always been impressed with the stability and payload capacity offered by such an arrangement given its low cost and ease of assembly.

In an interesting twist [Antti] decided to outfit his craft with quadcopter motors and propellers to create a sort of airboat, which would keep it from getting tangled up in weeds. We also appreciate the no-nonsense method of viewing the sonar’s output remotely — all they had to do was take an old smartphone, point its camera at the unit, and open up a video calling application.

While having the sonar data would help the brothers identify potential targets on the bottom, it wasn’t enough to make a positive identification. For that, they’d have to go down there and directly image the object being investigated. So the second project was a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Its PVC frame might look a bit low-tech, but [Antiii] designed the central “dry hull” to survive at depths of up to 100 meters (328 feet). With cameras, lights, a Raspberry Pi, and an Arduino Mega pulling it all together, the finished product is a formidable underwater explorer.

Combined with diligent research on the individuals who went missing and the areas in which they were last seen, the brothers were able to use these vehicles to solve a pair of missing persons cases that had been open for more than a decade. Their work earned them the personal thanks of the President of Finland, and a medal that’s generally only given to police officers.

Our hats off to this intrepid duo — surely there’s no more noble a pursuit than dedicating your skills and free time to help others.

ESP32 Brings New Features To Classic Geiger Circuit

Por: Tom Nardi
24 Junio 2024 at 08:00

There’s no shortage of Geiger counter projects based on the old Soviet SBM-20 tube, it’s a classic circuit that’s easy enough even for a beginner to implement — so long as they don’t get bitten by the 400 volts going into the tube, that is. Toss in a microcontroller, and not only does that circuit get even easier to put together and tweak, but now the features and capabilities of the device are only limited by how much code you want to write.

Luckily for us, [Omar Khorshid] isn’t afraid of wrangling some 0s and 1s, and the result is the OpenRad project. In terms of hardware, it’s the standard SBM-20 circuit augmented with a LILYGO ESP32 development board that includes a TFT display. But where this one really shines is the firmware.

With the addition of a few hardware buttons, [Omar] was able to put together a very capable interface that runs locally on the device itself. In addition, the ESP32 serves up a web page that provides some impressive real-time data visualizations. It will even publish its data via MQTT if you want to plug it into your home automation system or other platform.

Between the project’s page and GitHub repository, [Omar] has done a fantastic job of documenting the project so that others can recreate it. That includes providing the schematics, KiCad files, and Gerbers necessary to not only get the boards produced and assembled, but modified should you want to adapt the base OpenRad design.

This project reminds us of the uRADMonitor, which [Radu Motisan] first introduced in 2014 to bring radiation measuring to the masses. This sort of hardware has become far more accessible over the last decade, bringing the dream of a globally distributed citizen-operated network of radiation and environmental monitors much closer to reality.

Bit of OpenSCAD Code Caps off Wiremold

Por: Tom Nardi
24 Junio 2024 at 05:00

Wiremold is great stuff — it’s relatively cheap, easy to work with, and offers all sorts of adapters and angle pieces which take the hassle out of running (and hiding) wires. But [Dr. Gerg] found a shortcoming of this otherwise very flexible product: since each run is intended to start and end in a surface mounted box, he couldn’t find an end cap that would let him close off a section.

The solution? A desktop 3D printer and a chunk of OpenSCAD code telling it what to extrude. When you break it down, the Wiremold profile is fairly straightforward, and can be easily described with geometric primitives. A handful of cylinders, a cube or two, tie it all together with the hull() function, and you’re there.

We’d say this would be a fantastic project to cut your OpenSCAD teeth on, but since [Dr. Gerg] was kind enough to share the source code, you don’t have to figure it out on your own. Though there’s still benefit in reading over it if you’re looking for some practical examples of how the “Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller” gets things done.

So why would you want a Wiremold endcap? In the case of [Dr. Gerg], it sounds like he was trying to cover up a short run of wire that was running vertically. But we could imagine other applications for this basic design now that it’s out in the wild. For example, a short length of Wiremold outfitted with a pair of printed caps could make for a nice little enclosure if you’ve got a small project that needs protecting.

Preview Markdown in the Terminal with Bash

Por: Tom Nardi
17 Junio 2024 at 08:00

Markdown has become an extremely popular way to document source code and other projects, thanks in no small part to how well web-based services like GitHub render it. Just sprinkle a few extra characters into a regular text file, and all of a sudden it looks like you know what you’re doing. Unfortunately, there are some places where markdown won’t actually render, and you’ll be stuck looking at those extra characters.

But thanks to MarCLIdown, the terminal doesn’t have to be one of those places. Written by [NihaAlGhul], this simple tool takes a given markdown file and spits out a fairly impressive rendering — and you don’t even need to have one of those fancy new GPU-accelerated terminals. Most impressively, the whole thing is implemented as a single Bash script.

How does it work? Some would say it’s magic. Others would point out the inline Perl, conditionals statements, and line after line of regular expressions. Ultimately, we’d argue they’re the same thing.

Definitely Dark Magic

As you can probably imagine not everything is supported by MarCLIdown, but the list of what’s currently working is already quite impressive. Headers, check boxes, lists, block quotes, links, all work and look pretty much as you’d expect. The biggest omission at this point is probably tables, but even that isn’t really a deal breaker.

MarCLIdown isn’t the first tool to try and visualize markdown in the terminal. Readers may already be familiar with glow, which is more mature and admittedly has the edge in terms of capability. But the fact that [NihaAlGhul] managed to get this far with just a single Bash script is a proper hack, and one we think worthy of some special consideration.

3D Printing a Bottle Labeling Assembly Line

Por: Tom Nardi
17 Junio 2024 at 05:00

We’re not completely sure why [Fraens] needs to label so many glass bottles at home. Perhaps he’s brewing his own beer, or making jams. Whatever the reason is, it was justification enough to build an absolutely incredible labeling machine that you could mistake for a piece of industrial gear…if it wasn’t for the fact that majority of the device is constructed out of orange 3D printed plastic.

As we’ve come to expect, [Fraens] has documented the build with a detailed write-up on his site — but in this case, you’ve really got to watch the video below to truly appreciate how intricate the operation of this machine is. Watching it reminded us of an episode of How It’s Made, with the added bonus that you not only get to see how the machine functions, but how it was built in the first place.

Nearly every part of the machine, outside the fasteners, smooth rods, a couple of acrylic panels, and a few sections of aluminum extrusion, were 3D printed. You might think this would result in a wobbly machine with sloppy tolerances, but [Fraens] is truly a master of knowing when and where you can get away with using printed parts. So for example, while the glue rollers could be done in printed plastic, they still needed metal rods run through the middle for strength and proper bearings to rotate on.

Looking at the totality of this build, it’s hard to imagine how it could have been accomplished via traditional methods. Sure you could have sourced the rollers and gears from a supplier to save some plastic (at an added expense, no doubt), but there’s so many unique components that simply needed to be fabricated. For example, all the guides that keep the label heading in the right direction through the mechanism, or the interchangeable collars which let you select the pattern of glue which is to be applied. Maybe if you had a whole machine shop at your disposal, but that’s a lot more expensive and complex a proposition than the pair of desktop 3D printers [Fraens] used to crank out this masterpiece.

If the name (and penchant for orange plastic) seems familiar, it’s because we’ve featured several builds from [Fraens] in the past. This one may be the most technically impressive so far, but that doesn’t diminish the brilliance of his vibratory rock tumbler or cigarette stuffing machine.

ESP32 Powers Single-PCB ZX Spectrum Emulator

Por: Tom Nardi
16 Junio 2024 at 14:00

When word first got out that the Chinese board houses were experimenting with full color silkscreens, many in our community thought it would be a boon for PCB art. Others believed it would be akin to cheating by removing the inherent limitations of the medium. That’s not a debate that will be solved today, but here we have an example of a project that’s not only making practical application of the technology, but one that arguably couldn’t exist in its current form without it: a single-PCB ZX Spectrum emulator developed by [atomic14].

There basics here are, well, they’re pretty basic. You’ve got an ESP32-S3, a TFT display, a micro SD slot, and the handful of passives necessary to tie them all together. What makes this project stand out is the keyboard, which has been integrated directly into the PCB thanks to the fourteen pins on the ESP32-S3 that can be used as touch sensor input channels. There are issues with detecting simultaneous keypresses, but overall it seems to work pretty well.

The keyboard matrix takes 13 of the 14 touch input pins on the ESP32-S3.

But what makes the keyboard really special is that [atomic14] has used the color silkscreen capability to put all the necessary labels directly onto the keys. Technically this could have been done using a traditional single color silkscreen, but it would have been a hell of a lot harder to fit all the necessary information on there while keeping it readable. Plus, you’d miss the little rainbow in the corner.

As good as it looks already, the project is still in the early stages of development. Some components, such as the TFT display, still need to be better integrated into the board. In terms of software, the board is running a ZX Spectrum emulator that [atomic14] developed previously. Judging by the gameplay in the video below, it’s doing a solid job of bringing this classic system (and its games) back to life.

2024 Business Card Challenge: T-800’s 555 Brain

Por: Tom Nardi
14 Junio 2024 at 08:00

In Terminator 2: Judgment Day it’s revealed that Skynet becomes self-aware in August of 1997, and promptly launches a nuclear attack against Russia to draw humanity into a war which ultimately leaves the door open for the robots to take over. But as you might have noticed, we’re not currently engaged in a rebellion against advanced combat robots.

The later movies had to do some fiddling with the timeline to explain this discrepancy, but looking at this 2024 Business Card Challenge entry from [M. Bindhammer] we think there’s another explanation for the Judgement Day holdup — so long as the terminators are rocking 555 timers in their chrome skulls, we should be safe.

While the classic timer chip might not be any good for plotting world domination, it sure does make for a great way to illuminate this slick piece of PCB art when it’s plugged into a USB port. Exposed copper and red paint are used to recreate the T-800’s “Brain Chip” as it appeared in Terminator 2, so even when the board isn’t powered up, it looks fantastic on display. The handful of components are around the back side, which is a natural place to put some info about the designer. Remember, this is technically supposed to be a Business Card, after all.

This build is a great example of several badge art techniques, which we think is worthy of a closer look even if you’re not personally into the Terminator franchise. While it’s far from the most technologically advanced of the entries we’ve seen so far, it does deliver on a design element which is particularly tricky to nail down — it’s actually cheap enough that you could conceivably hand it out as a real business card without softly weeping afterwards.

Remember, you’ve still got until July 2nd to enter your own creation into the 2024 Business Card Challenge. So long as the gadget is about the same size and shape as a traditional card, it’s fair game. Bonus points if you remember to put your name and contact info on there someplace…

2024 Business Card Challenge

Baldur’s Gate III Comes to the TRS-80 Model 100

Por: Tom Nardi
12 Junio 2024 at 11:00

To say that Tandy’s TRS-80 Model 100 was an influential piece of computer hardware would be something of an understatement. While there’s some debate over which computer can historically be called the “first laptop”, the Model 100 was early enough that it helped influence our modern idea of portable computing. It was also one of the most successful of these early portables, due in part to how easy it was to write your own software for it using the built-in BASIC interpreter.

But as handy and capable as that integrated development environment might have been, it never produced anything as impressive as this Baldur’s Gate III “demake” created by [Alex Bowen]. Written in assembly, the game’s engine implements a subset of the Dungeons & Dragons Systems Reference Document (SRD), and is flexible enough that you could use it to produce your own ASCII art role-playing game that can run on either a Model 100 emulator like Virtual-T or on the real hardware.

Don’t worry about not having enough experience with the Model 100’s hardware to conjure up your own fantasy adventure. Assembly is done through zasm, and even though the code is intended for the 8085 CPU used in the Model 100, it’s actually written in Z80 syntax. The assembler’s support for mapping unicode characters also allows you to get a serviceable preview of what the levels will look like on the Model 100’s display right inside of your editor.

As you might imagine, getting such a complex game running on the meager hardware of the Model 100 took considerable trickery. [Alex] goes into plenty of detail in the project’s documentation and the video below, but perhaps our favorite optimization is the text compression routine. A Python script ran through all of the text strings used in the game to identify the most commonly used character sequences, and then mapped them to values which could be used to piece together words and sentences. This saved approximately 1500 bytes, which might not sound like a lot to a modern game developer, but it’s much appreciated on a machine that’s only got 24 kilobytes of RAM to begin with.

We’ve seen a number of projects featuring the TRS-80 Model 100, but most of them involve ripping out the original hardware and replacing it with something modern. That said, if you’ve got a stock Model 100 and give this technical masterpiece a shot, we’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Remixed Pi Recovery Kit v2 Offers Another Path

Por: Tom Nardi
12 Junio 2024 at 08:00

Just a few months after releasing the long-awaited second version of his Raspberry Pi Recovery Kit, [Jay Doscher] is back with an alternate take on his latest Pi-in-a-Pelican design. This slightly abridged take on the earlier design should prove to be easier and cheaper to assemble for those playing along at home while keeping the compromises to a minimum.

Probably the biggest change is that the Raspberry Pi 5 has been swapped out for its less expensive and more abundant predecessor. The Pi 4 still packs plenty of punch, but since it requires less power and doesn’t get as hot, it’s less temperamental in a build like this. Gone is the active cooling required by the more powerful single-board computer, and the wiring to distribute power to the Kit’s internal components has been simplified. The high-end military style connectors have been deleted as well. They looked cool, but they certainly weren’t cheap.

One of the most striking features of the original Recovery Kit was the front-mounted switches — both the networking type that’s intended to help facilitate connecting the Raspberry Pi to whatever hardware is left after the end of the world, and the toggles used to selectively control power to to accessory devices. Both have returned for the Recovery Kit 2B, but they’re also optional, with blank plates available to fill in their vacant spots.

Ultimately, both builds are fairly similar, but there’s enough changes between the two that it will have a notable impact on how much time (and money…) it would take you create one of your own. [Jay] has attempted to offer less intimidating versions of his designs in the past; while other creators take a “one and done” approach to their projects, he seems eager to go back and rethink problems that most others would have considered solved.

ESP32 Powered Crunch-E Makes Beats on the Go

Por: Tom Nardi
11 Junio 2024 at 11:00

There’s no shortage of devices out there for creating electronic music, but if you’re just looking to get started, the prices on things like synthesizers and drum machines could be enough to give you second thoughts on the whole idea. But if you’ve got a well stocked parts bin, there’s a good chance you’ve already got most of what you need to build your own Crunch-E.

A Crunch-E built from stacked modules

Described by creator [Roman Revzin] as a “keychain form factor music-making platform”, the Crunch-E combines an ESP32, an MAX98357 I2S audio amplifier, an array of tactile buttons, and a sprinkling of LEDs and passives. It can be built on a perfboard using off-the-shelf modules, or you can spin up a PCB if you want something a bit more professional. It sounds like there’s eventually going to be an option to purchase a pre-built Crunch-E at some point as well.

But ultimately, the hardware seems to be somewhat freeform — the implementation isn’t so important as long as you’ve got the major components and can get the provided software running on it.

The software, which [Roman] is calling CrunchOS, currently provides four tracks, ten synth instruments, and two drum machine banks. Everything can be accessed from a 4 x 4 button array, and there’s a “cheat sheet” in the documentation that shows what each key does in the default configuration. Judging by the demo video below, it’s already an impressively capable platform. But this is just the beginning. If everything goes according to plan and more folks start jamming on their own Crunch-E hardware, it’s not hard to imagine how the software side can be expanded and adapted over time.

Over the years we’ve seen plenty of homebrew projects for producing electronic music, but the low-cost, simple construction, and instant gratification nature of the Crunch-E strikes us as a particularly compelling combination. We’re eager to see where things develop from here.

Donkey Kong Bongos Ditch the GameCube, Go Mobile

Por: Tom Nardi
11 Junio 2024 at 05:00

Historically speaking, optional peripherals for game consoles tend not to be terribly successful. You’ll usually get a handful of games that support the thing, one of which will likely come bundled with it, and then the whole thing fades into obscurity to make way for the next new gimmick.

For example, did you know Nintendo offered a pair of bongos for the GameCube in 2003? They were used almost exclusively by the trio of Donkey Konga rhythm games, although only two of them were ever released outside of Japan. While the games might not have been huge hits, they were successful enough to stick in the memory of [bl3i], who wanted a way to keep the DK bongo experience alive.

The end result is, arguably, more elegant than the hokey musical controller deserves. While most people would have just gutted the plastic bongos and crammed in some new hardware, [bl3i] went through considerable effort so the original hardware would remain intact. His creation simply snaps onto the bongos and connects to them via the original cable.

Internally, the device uses an Arduino to read the output of the bongos (which appeared to the GameCube essentially as a standard controller) and play the appropriate WAV files from an SD card as hits are detected. Add in an audio amplifier module and a battery, and Nintendo’s bongos can finally go forth into the world and spread their beats.

As far as we’re able to tell, this is the first time the Donkey Kong bongos have ever graced the pages of Hackaday in any form, so congratulations to [bl3i] for getting there first. But it’s certainly not the first time we’ve covered ill-conceived game gadgets — long time readers will perhaps be familiar with Nintendo’s attempt to introduce the Robotic Operating Buddy (ROB) to households back in 1985.

Hands On: Inkplate 6 MOTION

Por: Tom Nardi
6 Junio 2024 at 14:00

Over the last several years, DIY projects utilizing e-paper displays have become more common. While saying the technology is now cheap might be overstating the situation a bit, the prices on at least small e-paper panels have certainly become far more reasonable for the hobbyist. Pair one of them with a modern microcontroller such as the RP2040 or ESP32, sprinkle in a few open source libraries, and you’re well on the way to creating an energy-efficient smart display for your home or office.

But therein lies the problem. There’s still a decent amount of leg work involved in getting the hardware wired up and talking to each other. Putting the e-paper display and MCU together is often only half the battle — depending on your plans, you’ll probably want to add a few sensors to the mix, or perhaps some RGB status LEDs. An onboard battery charger and real-time clock would be nice as well. Pretty soon, your homebrew e-paper gadget is starting to look remarkably like the bottom of your junk bin.

For those after a more integrated solution, the folks at Soldered Electronics have offered up a line of premium open source hardware development boards that combine various styles of e-paper panels (touch, color, lighted, etc) with a microcontroller, an array of sensors, and pretty much every other feature they could think of. To top it off, they put in the effort to produce fantastic documentation, easy to use libraries, and free support software such as an online GUI builder and image converter.

We’ve reviewed a number of previous Inkplate boards, and always came away very impressed by the attention to detail from Soldered Electronics. When they asked if we’d be interested in taking a look at a prototype for their new MOTION 6 board, we were eager to see what this new variant brings to the table. Since both the software and hardware are still pre-production, we won’t call this a review, but it should give you a good idea of what to expect when the final units start shipping out in October.

Faster and Stronger

As mentioned previously, the Inkplate boards have generally been differentiated by the type of e-paper display they’ve featured. In the case of the new MOTION, the theme this time around is speed — Soldered says this new display is capable of showing 11 frames per second, no small feat for a technology that’s notoriously slow to refresh. You still won’t be watching movies at 11 FPS of course, but it’s more than enough to display animations and dynamic information thanks to its partial refresh capability that only updates the areas of the display where the image has actually changed.

But it’s not just the e-paper display that’s been swapped out for a faster model. For the MOTION 6, Soldered traded in the ESP32 used on all previous Inkplates for the STM32H743, an ARM Cortex-M7 chip capable of running at 480 MHz. Well, at least partially. You’ll still find an ESP32 hanging out on the back of the MOTION 6, but it’s there as a co-processor to handle WiFi and Bluetooth communications. The STM32 chip features 1 MB of internal SRAM and has been outfitted with a whopping 32 MB of external DRAM, which should come in handy when you’re throwing 4-bit grayscale images at the 1024 x 758 display.

The Inkplate MOTION 6 also features an impressive suite of sensors, including a front-mounted APDS-9960 which can detect motion, proximity, and color. On the backside you’ll find the SHTC3 for detecting temperature and humidity, as well as a LSM6DSO32 accelerometer and gyroscope. One of the most impressive demos included in the MOTION 6’s Arduino library pulls data from the gyro and uses it to rotate a wireframe 3D cube as you move the device around. Should you wish to connect other sensors or devices to the board, you’ve got breakouts for the standard expansion options such as I²C and SPI, as well as Ethernet, USB OTG, I²S, SDMMC, and UART.

Although no battery is included with the MOTION 6, there’s a connector for one on the back of the board, and the device includes a MCP73831 charge controller and the appropriate status LEDs. Primary power is supplied through the board’s USB-C connector, and there’s also a set of beefy solder pads along the bottom edge where you could wire up an external power source.

For user input you have three physical buttons along the side, and a rather ingenious rotary encoder — but to explain how that works we need to switch gears and look at the 3D printed enclosure Soldered has created for the Inkplate MOTION 6.

Wrapped Up Tight

Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t go into so much detail about a 3D printed case, but I’ve got to give Soldered credit for the little touches they put into this design. Living hinges are used for both the power button and the three user buttons on the side, there’s a holder built into the back for a pouch battery, and there’s even a little purple “programming tool” that tucks into a dedicated pocket — you’ll use that to poke the programming button when the Inkplate is inside the enclosure.

But the real star is the transparent wheel on the right hand side. The embedded magnet in the center lines up perfectly with a AS5600 magnetic angle encoder on the Inkplate, with an RGB LED just off to the side. Reading the value from the AS5600 as the wheel rotates gives you a value between 0 and 4048, and the library offers macros to convert that to radians and degrees. Combined with the RGB LED, this arrangement provides an input device with visual feedback at very little cost.

It’s an awesome idea, and now I’m looking for an excuse to include it in my own hardware designs.

The 3D printed case is being offered as an add-on for the Inkplate MOTION 6 at purchase time, but both the STLs and  Fusion 360 files for it will be made available with the rest of the hardware design files for those that would rather print it themselves.

An Exciting Start

As I said in the beginning of this article, the unit I have here is the prototype — while the hardware seems pretty close to final, the software side of things is obviously still in the early stages. Some of the libraries simply weren’t ready in time, so I wasn’t able to test things like WiFi or Bluetooth. Similarly, I wasn’t able to try out the MicroPython build for the MOTION 6. That said, I have absolutely no doubt that the team at Soldered Electronics will have everything where it needs to be by the time customers get their hands on the final product.

There’s no denying that the $169 USD price tag of the Inkplate MOTION 6 will give some users pause. If you’re looking for a budget option, this absolutely isn’t it. But what you get for the price is considerable. You’re not just paying for the hardware, you’re also getting the software, documentation, schematics, and PCB design files. If those things are important to you, I’d say it’s more than worth the premium price.

So far, it looks like plenty of people feel the same way. As of this writing, the Inkplate MOTION 6 is about to hit 250% of its funding goal on Crowd Supply, with more than 30 days left in the campaign.

VFD Tube Calculator Shows off Wide Array of Skills

Por: Tom Nardi
4 Junio 2024 at 23:00

With all the tools and services available to us these days, it’s hard to narrow down a set of skills that the modern hacker or maker should have. Sure, soldering is a pretty safe bet, and most projects now require at least a little bit of code. But the ability to design 3D printable parts has also become increasingly important, and you could argue that knowledge of PCB design and production is getting up there as well. With home laser cutters on the rise, a little 2D CAD wouldn’t hurt either. So on, and so on.

If you ever wanted an example of the multitude of skills that can go into a modern hardware project, take a look at this gorgeous Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) tube calculator built by [oskar2517]. As fantastic as the final product is, we were particularly impressed with everything it took to get this one over the finish line.

A .7 mm walnut veneer covers the pieced together plywood frame.

It’s got it all: 3D printed parts, a laser cut wooden frame, a custom PCB, and even a bit of old school woodworking. To top it all off, the whole thing has been meticulously documented.

But what’s perhaps most impressive here is that [oskar2517] was approaching most of these techniques for the first time. They had never before worked with IV-12 tubes, designed an enclosure in 3D, had parts laser cut, applied wood veneer, or designed a custom PCB. They did have solid experience writing code in C at least, which did make developing the Arduino firmware a bit easier.

Although they might look outwardly similar, VFD tubes like the IV-12 are easier to work with than Nixie tubes thanks to their lower operating voltage. That said, a look through our archives shows that projects using Nixies outnumber VFD tubes by nearly four to one, so there’s no shortage of folks willing to take on the extra effort for that sweet warm glow.

GlowBlaster Uses 405 nm Laser To Make Its Mark

Por: Tom Nardi
4 Junio 2024 at 11:00

Ever wish you could do a little target shooting in a galaxy far, far away? Well then you’re in luck, as the Star Wars inspired GlowBlaster designed by [Louis Abbott] can help you realize those dreams with a real-life laser pistol — albeit a much weaker one than you’d want to carry into a Mos Eisley cantina.

Inside the 3D printed frame of the GlowBlaster is a 5 mW 405 nm module, an Arduino Nano, a speaker, a vibration motor, and a 9 V battery. When you pull the trigger, it pushes down on a 12 mm tactile button which causes the Arduino to fire the laser and sprinkle in a bit of theatrics by way of the speaker and vibration motor. There’s also a second button on the side of the blaster that lets you pick between firing modes.

The idea behind this project is that even a momentary blast from a 405 nm laser will excite a phosphorescent material enough that it will show a hit. So all you’ve got to do is draw a target on a glow-in-the-dark sheet, and you’ll be able to see where your shots land from clear across the doom. Admittedly it will have to be a dimly lit room, but still.

Technically that 5 mW figure puts the GlowBlaster’s output on par with a laser pointer, but in the documentation, [Louis] cautions that laser modules sourced online are often more powerful than their labels claim. So you, and anyone else around, would be wise to wear eye protection while the laser is being fired.

This is a far simpler solution than previous laser marksmanship projects we’ve covered, as the target side is totally passive. Although we have to admit, seeing the target actually get knocked down is a lot of fun.

ATtiny85 Mouse Jiggler Lets You Take a Break

Por: Tom Nardi
3 Junio 2024 at 23:00

The good news is that more and more people are working from home these days. The bad news is that some of the more draconian employers out there aren’t too happy about it, to the point of using spyware software to keep tabs on their workers. Better make that bathroom break quick — Big Brother is watching!

One simple way to combat such efforts is a mouse jiggler, which does…well it does exactly what it sounds like. If you find yourself in need of such a device, the WorkerMouse from [Zane Bauman] is a simple open source design that can be put together with just a handful of components.

The WorkerMouse is designed to be assembled using through-hole parts on a scrap of perfboard, but you could certainly swap them out for their SMD variants if that’s what you have on hand. The circuit is largely made up out of passive components anyway, except for the ATtiny85 that’s running the show.

[Zane] decided to embrace modernity and couple the circuit with a USB-C breakout board, but naturally you could outfit it with whatever USB flavor you want so long as you’ve got a cable that will let you plug it into your computer.

The project’s C source code uses V-USB to connect to the computer and act as a USB Human Interface Device (HID). From there, it generates random speed and position data for a virtual mouse, and dumps it out every few seconds. The end result is a cursor that leaps around the screen whenever the WorkerMouse is plugged in, which should be enough to show you online while you step away from the computer. As an added bonus, [Zane] has put together a nice looking 3D printable enclosure for the board. After all, the thing is likely going to be sitting on your desk, might as well have it look professional.

If you’ve got the time to get a PCB made, you might also be interested in the MAUS we covered last year, which also keeps the ATtiny85 working so you don’t have to.

CH32V003 Makes for Dirt Cheap RISC-V Computer

Por: Tom Nardi
31 Mayo 2024 at 20:00

These days, when most folks think of a computer they imagine a machine with multiple CPUs, several gigabytes of RAM,  and a few terabytes of non-volatile storage for good measure. With such modern expectations, it can be difficult to see something like a microcontroller as little more than a toy. But if said MCU has a keyboard, is hooked up to a display, and lets you run basic productivity and development software, doesn’t that qualify it as a computer? It certainly would have in the 1980s.

With that in mind, [Olimex] has teased the RVPC, which they’re calling the “world lowest cost Open Source Hardware All-in-one educational RISC-V computer” (say that three times fast). The tiny board features the SOIC-8 variant of the CH32V003 and…well, not a whole lot else. You’ve got a handful of passives, a buzzer, an LED, and the connectors for a PS/2 keyboard, a power supply, and a VGA display. The idea is to offer this as a beginner’s soldering kit in the future, so most most of the components are through-hole.

On the software side, the post references things like the ch32v003fun development stack, and the PicoRVD programmer as examples of open source tools that can get your CH32V computer up and running. There’s even a selection of retro-style games out there that would be playable on the platform. But what [Olimex] really has their eye on is a port of VMON, a RISC-V monitor program.

When paired with the 320×200 VGA text mode that they figure the hardware is capable of, you’ve got yourself the makings of an educational tool that would be great for learning assembly and playing around with bare metal programming.

It might not have the timeless style of the Voja4, but at least you can fit it in a normal sized pocket.

Thanks to [PPJ] for the tip.

Printing a Replacement Case for the ThinkPad 701c

Por: Tom Nardi
29 Mayo 2024 at 15:30

Even among ThinkPads, which are nearly universally loved by hardware hackers and Linux tinkerers alike, the 701c is a particularly rare and desirable machine. Best known for it’s “butterfly” slide out keyboard, the IBM-designed subnotebook from the mid-1990s has gained a following all its own, with active efforts to repair and restore any surviving specimens still out in the wild.

[polymatt] has already taken on a number of 701c restoration projects, but the recent release of a 3D printable case for the vintage laptop is arguably the most impressive to date. After spending an untold number of hours with an original case and a pair of calipers, the final design has been released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license — in other words, you’re free to print one to spruce up your 701c, but don’t run off a stack of them and start trying to move them on Etsy.

Originally, [polymatt] just wanted to 3D print a replacement for the laptop’s display bezel. But as often happens with these sort of projects, things just sort of started rolling and pretty soon the whole case was modeled. As you might imagine, the printed case has some slight differences between the original. For example, the printed version is designed to use heat set inserts. There’s also certain components, such as the hinges, which need to be sourced from an original case.

The most obvious use of these files is to perform repairs — if a piece of your 701c case has broken, you might be able to use one of these files to create a replacement. But it also offers some fascinating possibilities for future modifications. If you were planning on replacing the internals of the 701c with something more modern, these files would make an excellent starting point to create a customized case to better fit more modern components.

Whatever you end up doing with these files, don’t be shy — let us know.
