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Polaris Dawn, and the Prudence of a Short Spacewalk

Por: Tom Nardi
3 Octubre 2024 at 14:00

For months before liftoff, the popular press had been hyping up the fact that the Polaris Dawn mission would include the first-ever private spacewalk. Not only would this be the first time anyone who wasn’t a professional astronaut would be opening the hatch of their spacecraft and venturing outside, but it would also be the first real-world test of SpaceX’s own extravehicular activity (EVA) suits. Whether you considered it a billionaire’s publicity stunt or an important step forward for commercial spaceflight, one thing was undeniable: when that hatch opened, it was going to be a moment for the history books.

But if you happened to have been watching the live stream of the big event earlier this month, you’d be forgiven for finding the whole thing a bit…abrupt. After years of training and hundreds of millions of dollars spent, crew members Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis both spent less than eight minutes outside of the Dragon capsule. Even then, you could argue that calling it a spacewalk would be a bit of a stretch.

Neither crew member ever fully exited the spacecraft, they simply stuck their upper bodies out into space while keeping their legs within the hatch at all times. When it was all said and done, the Dragon’s hatch was locked up tight less than half an hour after it was opened.

Likely, many armchair astronauts watching at home found the whole thing rather anticlimactic. But those who know a bit about the history of human spaceflight probably found themselves unable to move off of the edge of their seat until that hatch locked into place and all crew members were back in their seats.

Flying into space is already one of the most mindbogglingly dangerous activities a human could engage in, but opening the hatch and floating out into the infinite black once you’re out there is even riskier still. Thankfully the Polaris Dawn EVA appeared to go off without a hitch, but not everyone has been so lucky on their first trip outside the capsule.

A High Pressure Situation

The first-ever EVA took place during the Voskhod 2 mission in March of 1965. Through the use of an ingenious inflatable airlock module, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was able to exit the Voskhod 3KD spacecraft and float freely in space at the end of a 5.35 m (17.6 ft) tether. He attached a camera to the outside of the airlock, providing a visual record of yet another space “first” achieved by the Soviet Union.

This very first EVA had two mission objectives, one of which Leonov had accomplished when he successfully rigged the external camera. The last thing he had to do was turn around and take pictures of the Voskhod spacecraft flying over the Earth — a powerful propaganda image that the USSR was eager to get their hands on. But when he tried to activate his suit’s camera using the trigger mounted to his thigh, he found he couldn’t reach it. It was then that he realized the suit had begun to balloon around him, and that moving his arms and legs was taking greater and greater effort due to the suit’s material stiffening.

After about ten minutes in space Leonov attempted to re-enter the airlock, but to his horror found that the suit had expanded to the point that it would no longer fit into the opening. As he struggled to cram himself into the airlock, his body temperature started to climb. Soon he was sweating profusely, which pooled around his body within the confines of the suit.

Unable to cope with the higher than anticipated internal temperature, the suit’s primitive life support system started to fail, making matters even worse. The runaway conditions in the suit caused his helmet’s visor to fog up, which he had no way to clear as he was now deep into a failure mode that the Soviet engineers had simply not anticipated. Not that they hadn’t provided him with a solution of sorts. Decades later, Leonov would reveal that there was a suicide pill in the helmet that he could have opted to use if need be.

With his core temperature now elevated by several degrees, Leonov was on the verge of heat stroke. His last option was to open a vent in his suit, which would hopefully cause it to deflate enough for him to fit inside the airlock. He noted that the suit was currently at 0.4 atmosphere, and started reducing the pressure. The safety minimum was 0.27 atm, but even at that pressure, he couldn’t fit. It wasn’t until the pressure fell to 0.25 atm that he was able to flex the suit enough to get his body back into the airlock, and from there back into the confines of the spacecraft.

In total, Alexei Leonov spent 12 minutes and 9 seconds in space. But it must have felt like an eternity.

Gemini’s Tricky Hatch

In classic Soviet style, nobody would know about the trouble Leonov ran into during his spacewalk for years. So when American astronaut Ed White was preparing to step out of the Gemini 4 capsule three months later in June of 1965, he believed he really had his work cut out for him. Not only had the Soviets pulled off a perfect EVA, but as far as anyone knew, they had made it look easy.

So it’s not hard to imagine how White must have felt when he pulled the lever to open the hatch on the Gemini spacecraft, only to find it refused to budge. As it so happens, this wasn’t the first time the hatch failed to open. During vacuum chamber testing back on the ground, the hatch had refused to lock because a spring-loaded gear in the mechanism failed to engage properly. Luckily the second astronaut aboard the Gemini capsule, James McDivitt, was present when they had this issue on the ground and knew how the latch mechanism functioned.

Ed White

McDivitt felt confident that he could get the gear to engage and allow White to open the hatch, but was concerned about getting it closed. Failing to open the hatch and calling off the EVA was one thing, but not being able to secure the hatch afterwards meant certain death for the two men. Knowing that Mission Control would almost certainly have told them to abort the EVA if they were informed about the hatch situation, the astronauts decided to go ahead with the attempt.

As he predicted, McDivitt was able to fiddle with the latching mechanism and got the hatch open for White. Although there were some communication issues during the spacewalk due to problems with the voice-operated microphones, the EVA went very well, with White demonstrating a hand-held maneuvering thruster that allowed him to fly around the spacecraft at the end of his tether.

White was having such a good time that he kept making excuses to extend the spacewalk. Finally, after approximately 23 minutes, he begrudgingly returned to the Gemini capsule — informing Mission Control that it was “the saddest moment of my life.”

The hatch had remained open during the EVA, but now that White was strapped back into the capsule, it was time to close it back up. Unfortunately, just as McDivitt feared, the latches wouldn’t engage. To make matters worse, it took White so long to get back into the spacecraft that they were now shadowed by the Earth and working in the dark. Reaching blindly inside the mechanism, White was once again able to coax it into engaging, and the hatch was securely closed.

But there was still a problem. The mission plan called for the astronauts to open the hatch so they could discard unnecessary equipment before attempting to reenter the Earth’s atmosphere. As neither man was willing to risk opening the hatch again, they instead elected to stow everything aboard the capsule for the remainder of the flight.

Overworked, and Underprepared

At this point the Soviet Union and the United States had successfully conducted EVAs, but both had come dangerously close to disaster. Unfortunately, between the secretive nature of the Soviets and the reluctance of the Gemini 4 crew to communicate their issues to Mission Control, NASA administration started to underestimate the difficulties involved.

NASA didn’t even schedule EVAs for the next three Gemini missions, and the ambitious spacewalk planned for Gemini 8 never happened due to the mission being cut short due to technical issues with the spacecraft. It wouldn’t be until Gemini 9A that another human stepped out of their spacecraft.

The plan was for astronaut Gene Cernan to spend an incredible two hours outside of the capsule, during which time he would make his way to the rear of the spacecraft where a prototype Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (AMU) was stored. Once there, Cernan was to disconnect himself from the Gemini tether and don the AMU, which was essentially a small self-contained spacecraft in its own right.

Photo of the Gemini spacecraft taken by Gene Cernan

But as soon as he left the capsule, Cernan reported that his suit had started to swell and that movement was becoming difficult. To make matters worse, there were insufficient handholds installed on the outside of the Gemini spacecraft, making it difficult for him to navigate his away along its exterior. After eventually reaching the AMU and struggling desperately to put it on, Mission Control noted his heart rate had climbed to 180 beats per minute. The flight surgeon was worried he would pass out, so Mission Control asked him to take a break while they debated if he should continue with the AMU demonstration.

At this point Cernan noted that his helmet’s visor had begun to fog up, and just as Alexei Leonov had discovered during his own EVA, the suit had no system to clear it up. The only way he was able to see was by stretching forward and clearing off a small section of the glass by rubbing his nose against it. Realizing the futility of continuing, Commander Thomas Stafford decided not to wait on Mission Control and ordered Cernan to abort the EVA and get back into the spacecraft.

Cernan slowly made his way back to the Gemini’s hatch. The cooling system in his suit had by now been completely overwhelmed, which caused the visor to fog up completely. Effectively blind, Cernan finally arrived at the spacecraft’s hatch, but was too exhausted to continue. Stafford held onto Cernan’s legs while he rested and finally regained the strength to lower himself into the capsule and close the hatch.

When they returned to Earth the next day, a medical examination revealed Cernan had lost 13 pounds (5.8 kg) during his ordeal. The close-call during his spacewalk lead NASA to completely reassess their EVA training and procedures, and the decision was made to limit the workload on all future Gemini spacewalks, as the current air-cooled suit clearly wasn’t suitable for long duration use. It wasn’t until the Apollo program introduced a liquid-cooled suit that American astronauts would spend any significant time working outside of their spacecraft.

The Next Giant Leap

Thanks to the magic of live streaming video, we know that the Polaris Dawn crew was able to complete their brief EVA without incident: no shadowy government cover-ups, cowboy heroics, or near death experiences involved.

With the benefit of improved materials and technology, not to mention the knowledge gained over the hundreds of spacewalks that have been completed since the early days of the Space Race, the first private spacewalk looked almost mundane in comparison to what had come before it.

But there’s still much work to be done. SpaceX needs to perform further tests of their new EVA suit, and will likely want to demonstrate that crew members can actually get work done while outside of the Dragon. So it’s safe to assume that when the next Polaris Dawn mission flies, its crew will do a bit more than just stick their heads out the hatch.

An Ode to the SAO

Por: Tom Nardi
26 Septiembre 2024 at 14:00

There are a lot of fantastic things about Hackaday Supercon, but for me personally, the highlight is always seeing the dizzying array of electronic bits and bobs that folks bring with them. If you’ve never had the chance to join us in Pasadena, it’s a bit like a hardware show-and-tell, where half the people you meet are eager to pull some homemade gadget out of their bag for an impromptu demonstration. But what’s really cool is that they’ve often made enough of said device that they can hand them out to anyone who’s interested. Put simply, it’s very easy to leave Supercon with a whole lot more stuff than when you came in with.

Most people would look at this as a benefit of attending, which of course it is. But in a way, the experience bummed me out for the first couple of years. Sure, I got to take home a literal sack of incredible hardware created by members of our community, and I’ve cherished each piece. But I never had anything to give them in return, and that didn’t quite sit right with me.

So last year I decided to be a bit more proactive and make my own Simple Add-On (SAO) in time for Supercon 2023. With a stack of these in my bag, I’d have a personalized piece of hardware to hand out that attendees could plug right into their badge and enjoy. From previous years I also knew there was something of an underground SAO market at Supercon, and that I’d find plenty of people who would be happy to swap one for their own add-ons for mine.

To say that designing, building, and distributing my first SAO was a rewarding experience would be something of an understatement. It made such an impression on me that it ended up helping to guide our brainstorming sessions for what would become the 2024 Supercon badge and the ongoing SAO Contest. Put simply, making an SAO and swapping it with other attendees adds an exciting new element to a hacker con, and you should absolutely do it.

So while you’ve still got time to get PCBs ordered, let’s take a look at some of the unique aspects of creating your own Simple Add-On.

Low Barrier to Entry

To start with, let’s cover what’s probably the biggest benefit of making an SAO versus pretty much any other kind of electronic device: essentially all the hard work has been done for you, so you’re free to explore and get creative.

Consider the SAO standard, such as it is. You know there’s going to be 3.3 volts, you know physically how your device will interface with the host badge, and should you decide to utilize it, there’s an incredibly common and well-supported protocol (I2C) in place for communication with other devices.

There’s even a pair of GPIO pins thrown in for good measure, which more nuanced versions of the SAO spec explain can be used as the clock and data pins for addressable LEDs. In either event, they provide an even easier way to get your SAO talking to whatever it’s plugged into than I2C if that’s what you’re after.

Not having to worry about power is a huge weight off your shoulders. Voltage regulation — whether it’s boosting the output from a battery, or knocking down a higher voltage to something that won’t fry your components — can be tricky, and has been known to trip up even experienced hardware hackers. There’s admittedly some ambiguity about how much current an SAO can draw, but unless you’re looking to push the envelope, it’s unlikely anything that fits in such a small footprint could pull enough juice to actually become a problem.

Minimal Investment

Another thing to consider is the cost. While getting PCBs made today is cheaper than ever, the cost still goes up with surface area. Especially for new players, the cost of ordering larger boards can trigger some anxiety. Luckily, the traditional SAO is so small that having 20, 30, or even 50 of them made won’t hit you too hard in the wallet. Just as an example, having 30 copies of the PCB for my first SAO fabricated overseas cost me around $12 (shipping is the expensive part).

In fact, an SAO is usually small enough that a quick-turn prototype run with one of the domestic board houses might be within your budget. I’ve been playing around with a new SAO design, and both DigiKey and OSH Park quoted me around $40 to have a handful of boards produced and at my doorstep within 5 to 7 days.

Now assembly of your SAOs, should you outsource that, can still be expensive. Even though they’re small, it’s all going to come down to what kind of parts you’re using in the design. I was recently talking to Al Williams around the Hackaday Virtual Water Cooler, and he mentioned the cost to have just a handful of his SAO made was in the three figures. Then you look at the parts he used in the design, and it was clear this was never going to be a cheap build.

But even if you’ve got deep enough pockets to pay for it, I’d personally recommend against professional assembly in most cases. Which leads nicely into my next point…

A Taste of Mass Production

Being hobbyists, the reality is that most of us never get the opportunity to build more than a few copies of the same thing. For a personal project, there’s rarely the need to build more than one — and even if you count the early prototypes or failed attempts, it’s unlikely you’d hit the double digits.

But for an SAO, the more the merrier. If you’re planning on swapping with others or giving them away, you’ll obviously want quite a few of them. There’s no “right” number here, but for an event the size of Supercon, having 50 copies of your SAO on-hand would be reasonable. As mentioned earlier, I went with 30 (in part due to the per-unit cost) and in the end felt I should have bumped it up a bit more.

But even at 30, it was far and away the largest run of any single thing I’d ever done. After assembling the third or fourth one, I started to pick up on tricks that would speed up the subsequent builds. Where applicable, hand-soldering quickly gave way to reflowing. After some initial struggling, I realized taking the time to make a jig to hold the more fiddly bits would end up saving me time in the long run. Once ten or so were in various states of completion, it became clear I needed some way to safely hold them while in production, so I ended up cutting a couple board holders out of wood on the laser cutter.

A custom jig helped make sure each surface-mount header was properly aligned while soldering.

Looking back, this part of the process was perhaps what I enjoyed the most. As you might expect, I’ve been involved with  badge production at significant scales in the past. If you have a Supercon badge from the last several years, there’s an excellent chance I personally handled it in some way before you received it. But this was an opportunity to do everything myself, to solve problems and learn some valuable lessons.

Finding a New Community

Finally, the most unique part of making your own SAO is that it’s a ticket to a whole new subculture of hardware hacking.

The SAO Wall is calling, will you answer?

There are some incredibly talented people making badges and add-ons for the various hacker cons throughout the year, and there’s nothing they like better than swapping their wares and comparing notes. These folks are often pushing the very limits on what the individual hacker and maker is capable of, and can be a wealth of valuable information on every aspect of custom hardware design and production.

When you put your creation up on the SAO Wall at Supercon, or exchange SAOs with somebody, you’re officially part of the club, and entitled to all the honors and benefits occurring thereto. Don’t be surprised if you soon find yourself on a private channel in an invite-only chat server, pitching ideas for what your next project might be.

With a little over a month to go before the 2024 Hackaday Supercon kicks off in Pasadena, and a couple weeks before the deadline on submissions for the Supercon Add-On Contest, there’s still time to throw your six-pin hat into the ring. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

ESP32 Powers Custom Darkroom Timer

Por: Tom Nardi
24 Septiembre 2024 at 20:00

Developing your own film is an unabashedly analog process, which is one of the reasons people still gravitate towards it. After spending all day pushing buttons and looking at digital displays, spending some quiet time in the dark with pieces of paper and chemicals can be a way to decompress. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for a bit of modern digital convenience.

Specifically, [John Jones] wanted a timer that offered more features than his old school analog model, so he decided to build one himself. He took the long away around to make sure the end result would be a tool he could rely on, which meant getting a custom PCB made, 3D printing a case to fit in with his existing workspace, and designing a control panel that he could operate in the dark.

The PCB plays host to an ESP32 development board and an I/O expander that connects up to the array of LEDs, switches, and buttons on the front panel. The bottom-half of of the 3D printed enclosure is pretty simple, but the control panel is quite a piece of work.

Borrowing a trick from the flight sim community, [John] switched over to a clear filament after laying down the first few layers of the panel. This essentially created an integrated light diffuser, and with the addition of a few red LEDs, he had very slick backlit labels on his panel with relatively minimal effort.

We’ve covered custom darkroom tools in the past, from this relatively simple enlarger to an automated system that will develop the film for you.

StratoSoar Glider Flies Itself from High Altitude

Por: Tom Nardi
23 Septiembre 2024 at 08:00

As the technology available to the average hacker and maker gets better and cheaper each year, projects which at one time might have only been within the reach of government agencies are inching closer to our grasp. Take for example the impressive work [Charlie Nicholson] has put into his StratoSoar series of autonomous gliders.

Dropped from several thousand feet by a high-altitude balloon, the glider’s avionics are designed to either guide it along a series of waypoints or head directly towards a specific target. Once at the given coordinates it can initiate different landing programs, such as spiraling down to the ground or releasing an onboard parachute. It’s an ambitious combination of custom hardware and software, made all the more impressive by the fact that it’s been put together by somebody who’s not yet old enough to have a driver’s license.

[Charlie] originally experimented with developing his own airframe using 3D printed components, but at least for now, found that a commercial off-the-shelf foam glider was a more practical option. All that’s required is to hollow out some areas to mount the servos, battery, and the avionics. This takes the form of a custom PCB that contains a ATSAMD21G18 microcontroller, an ICM-20948 inertial measurement unit (IMU), connections for GPS and LoRa modules, as well as several onboard sensors and some flash storage to hold collected data.

The goal of this open source project is to make these sort of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cheaper and more accessible for hobbyists and researchers. Eventually [Charlie] hopes to offer kits which will allow individuals to build and operate their own StratoSoar, making it even easier to get started. He’s currently working on the next iteration of the project that he’s calling StratoSoar MK3, but it hasn’t had a flight test yet.

We’ve seen various attempts to launch autonomous gliders from balloons in the past, but none from anyone as young as [Charlie]. We’re eager to see the StratoSoar project develop, and wish him luck in future test flights.

Bringing the Horror of Seaman into the Real World

Por: Tom Nardi
18 Septiembre 2024 at 11:00

A little under 25 years ago, a particularly bizarre game was released for Sega’s Dreamcast. In actually, calling it a “game” might be something of a stretch. It was more of a pet simulator, where you need to feed and care for a virtual animal as it grows. Except rather than something like a dog or a rabbit, your pet is a talking fish with a human face that doesn’t seem to like you very much. Oh, and Leonard Nimoy is there too for some reason.

Most people in the world don’t even know this game ever existed, and frankly, their lives are all the better for it. But for those who lovingly cared for (or intentionally killed) one of these rude creatures back in the early 2000s, it’s an experience that sticks with you. Which we assume is why [Robert Prest] decided to build this incredibly faithful physical recreation of Seaman

The creature itself is a wireless animatronic that’s been fitted with several servos to operate not just its creepy human mouth, but its flippers, legs, and tail. [Robert] pulled the original speech clips from the game, and recreated most of the voice recognition prompts so he can converse with his pet monster. A Dreamcast controller is used to interact with the robo-seaman, but even that’s a bit of a hack. It’s actually just the shell of the controller which has been filled with new hardware, namely an ESP8266 and Nokia LCD that take the place of the original Visual Memory Unit (VMU).

[Robert] went the extra mile and also recreated the tank the creature lives in. The front glass is actually a transparent display that can show game information or “water”, and there’s sonar sensors that can detect when somebody has reached into it. The original game’s interactive elements involved adjusting the temperature of the tank and feeding your growing abomination, which are represented in this physical incarnation. There’s even little 3D printed versions of the bugs (which incidentally also have human faces) raise as food for the creature.

While this might not be our ideal office decoration, but we’ve got to hand it to [Robert], he did a hell of job bringing Seaman to life. Now let’s just hope it doesn’t escape its tank and get into the wild.

Latest PiEEG Shield Now Offers 16 Channels

Por: Tom Nardi
17 Septiembre 2024 at 20:00

We’ve previously covered the PiEEG, an affordable brain-computer interface (BCI) shield designed to connect to the Raspberry Pi. The open source project developed by [Ildar Rakhmatulin] is intended to allow students and hobbyists to experiment with detecting electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), and electrocardiography (ECG) biosignals — unlocking a wide array of applications ranging from assistive tech to gaming.

Now, the PiEEG hardware has been upgraded to detect sixteen channels via either wet or dry electrodes. The new board, referred to as the PiEEG-16, offers up the same ease of use and features as its predecessor, including the ability to read out signals from the device using Python scripts. Compared to the eight channels supported by the previous generation of hardware, the PiEEG-16 promises to provide the fine-grain data required for more complex operations.

Since we last checked in with the PiEEG back in 2023, [Ildar] says the project has attracted plenty of attention. To help document how the community is using the capability offered by these BCIs, he’s added a page on the project’s site to show off what folks are building with the technology.

Inevitably, some express concern when talking about non-professionals working with brain interfacing hardware. But the project’s documentation is quick to point out that efforts have been taken to make the endeavour as risk-free as possible. The most important thing to remember is that the Raspberry Pi and PiEEG are intended to be powered by batteries so as to remain completely isolated. Similarly, there’s no need to connect the devices to a mains-powered computer, as everything happens on the Pi itself.

Even still, it’s made clear that the PiEEG-16 is not a medical device, and has received no formal certifications. If you want to experiment with this technology, you do so at your own risk. Just something to keep in mind…no pun intended.

The JawnCon 0x1 Badge Dials Up a Simpler Time

Por: Tom Nardi
16 Septiembre 2024 at 18:30

For hackers of a certain age, the warbling of an analog modem remains something of a siren song. Even if you haven’t heard it in decades, the shrill tones and crunchy static are like a time machine that brings back memories of a bygone era. Alien to modern ears, in the 1980s and 90s, it was the harbinger of unlimited possibilities. An audible reminder that you were about to cross the threshold into cyberspace.

If you can still faintly hear those strangely comforting screeches in the back of your mind, the JawnCon 0x1 badge is for you. With a row of authentic vintage red LEDs and an impeccably designed 3D-printed enclosure, the badge is essentially a scaled-down replica of the Hayes SmartModem. But it doesn’t just look the part — powered by the ESP8266 and the open source RetroWiFiModem project, the badge will allow attendees to connect their modern computers to services from the early Internet via era-appropriate AT commands while they’re at the con.

In a detailed write-up, we get a behind-the-scenes look at how the badge was designed and assembled. Being that the team is only expecting 250 or so attendees, they decided to handle production in-house. That meant printing out the cases over the course of a month and a half on a single Prusa MK4, and hand-soldering a few PCBs each day to hit their final numbers. Each front panel was also individually placed in a laser for marking, an exceptionally time-consuming process, but it’s hard to argue with those results.

While the design is admittedly pushing the definition of what can realistically be called a “badge,” there’s a lanyard attached so it’s technically wearable. If the idea of being surrounded by a bunch of nerds wearing tiny modems around their necks is as enticing to you as it is to us, you’ll absolutely be among friends during this Philadelphia-area hacker con.

Although the JawnCon 0x1 badge clearly appeals to those with graying beards (literally or metaphorically), it should also provide an excellent chance for younger attendees to experience a version of the Internet that no longer exists in the real world.

The crew behind the con has spent the last few months spinning up a number of services that attendees will be able to access, including a bulletin board system (BBS), a multi-user dungeon (MUD), and a private AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) server. There’s also a selection of lo-fi websites to browse hosted on a Cobalt RaQ 4 server appliance from the year 2000. Having seen the reactions similar Internet microcosms have had while running at various Vintage Computer Festivals, we expect it should be a lot of fun for veterans and newbies alike.

We visited the inaugural JawnCon last year and came away eager for more. Judging by this look at the badge, the scheduled speakers, and the various activities set to take place during the two-day con (October 11th to the 12th), they’ve certainly delivered.

If you’re in the Philadelphia area, we highly recommend taking the ride out and experiencing the con in person. But if you can’t make it, don’t worry. We’ll be covering all the highlights of JawnCon 0x1 just as soon as we finish playing with our tiny modem.

Supercon 2024: Last Call For Display Tech Exhibit

Por: Tom Nardi
14 Septiembre 2024 at 02:00

During this year’s Hackaday Supercon, the Supplyframe DesignLab will be playing host to a unique exhibit that catalogs the evolution of display technology. That means showcasing the best and most interesting examples they can find, from the vintage to the ultra-modern. Where are all these wonderful toys coming from, you might ask? Why, the Hackaday community, of course.

This is a rare chance to show off your prized gadgetry to a captive audience of hackers and makers. Whether it’s a custom display you’ve created or some gonzo piece of hardware you’ve been holding onto for years, now’s the time to haul it out. However, there are only a few days left to submit your display for potential inclusion, so if you’ve got something you want the Hackaday community to see, make sure you fill out the form before the September 16th deadline. That’s Monday, if you were wondering.

The folks at the DesignLab tell us they’ve already got some very cool pieces of hardware lined up, many of which readers will recognize from these pages. We’re eager to get up close and personal with some of these incredible creations we’ve covered over the years, and we’re willing to bet many of the Supercon attendees will, too.

While we don’t want to give away too much, here’s a quick look at a couple of the displays currently slated for exhibition:

The More the Merrier

While there are some truly gorgeous examples lined up for the November exhibit, there are still a few gaps in the collection we’d love to see addressed. If you’ve got any of the following that you’d like to show off, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:

  • Unique LCDs (I.E. Tiger handhelds)
  • Vintage Displays
  • CRTs (All Types)
  • Plasma Displays
  • Nixie Clocks/Displays
  • Anything Custom Built
  • Video Synthesizers

For some of those, like CRTs, submissions would ideally come from the Southern California area. But in general, submissions from all over the globe are welcome.

If you’ve been holding off on submitting because you’re worried somebody else has sent in for the same thing, don’t be. Showing different permutations of a particular display technology is a bit part of the exhibit — we’d rather have too many Nixie clocks to choose from than not enough.

Whatever you’d like to show off, just make sure you submit it before the end of the weekend!

Review: iFixit’s FixHub May Be The Last Soldering Iron You Ever Buy

Por: Tom Nardi
12 Septiembre 2024 at 14:00

Like many people who solder regularly, I decided years ago to upgrade from a basic iron and invest in a soldering station. My RadioShack digital station has served me well for the better part of 20 years. It heats up fast, tips are readily available, and it’s a breeze to dial in whatever temperature I need. It’s older than both of my children, has moved with me to three different homes, and has outlived two cars and one marriage (so far, anyway).

When I got this, Hackaday still used B&W pictures.

As such, when the new breed of “smart” USB-C soldering irons started hitting the scene, I didn’t find them terribly compelling. Oh sure, I bought a Pinecil. But that’s because I’m an unrepentant open source zealot and love the idea that there’s a soldering iron running a community developed firmware. In practice though, I only used the thing a few times, and even then it was because I needed something portable. Using it at home on the workbench? It just never felt up to the task of daily use.

So when iFixit got in contact a couple weeks back and said they had a prototype USB-C soldering iron they wanted me to take a look at, I was skeptical to say the least. But then I started reading over the documentation they sent over, and couldn’t deny that they had some interesting ideas. For one, it was something of a hybrid iron. It was portable when you needed it to be, yet offered the flexibility and power of a station when you were at the bench.

Even better, they were planning on putting their money where their mouth is. The hardware was designed with repairability in mind at every step. Not only was it modular and easy to open up, but the company would be providing full schematics, teardown guides, and spare parts.

Alright, fine. Now you’ve got my attention.

Best of Both Worlds

Before we get too much farther, I should clarify that the FixHub is technically two separate devices. Officially iFixit calls the combo a “Portable Soldering System” in their documentation, which is made up of the Smart Soldering Iron and the Portable Power Station. While they are designed to work best when combined, both are fully capable of working independently of each other.

Smart Soldering Iron

The star of the show is, of course, the Smart Soldering Iron. It’s a 100 watt iron that comes up to operating temperature in under five seconds and can work with any suitably beefy USB-C Power Delivery source. The size and general proportions of the iron are very close to the Pinecil V2, though the grip is larger and considerably more comfortable to hold. The biggest difference between the two however is the absence of a display or configuration buttons. According to iFixit, most users don’t change their settings enough to justify putting the interface on the iron itself. That doesn’t mean you can’t tweak the iron’s settings when used in this stand-alone configuration, but we’ll get back to that in a minute.

The only control on the iron is a slide switch on the tail end that cuts power to the heating element. I like this arrangement a lot more than the software solution used on irons like the Pinecil. The click of the switch just feels more reliable than having to hold down a button and hoping the iron’s firmware understands that I want to turn the thing off and not adjust some setting. Of course, this is still a “smart” iron, so naturally there’s also support for accelerometer based idle and sleep modes that you can enable.

While there’s no display, the illuminated ring behind the grip does provide a visual indicator of what the iron is doing: solid blue means it has power but the heating element is off, a pulsing blue indicates the iron is heating, and orange means it has reached the desired temperature. If you flick the heater switch off, the ring pulses purple until it cools back off and returns to blue. It’s a simple and effective system, but the visual distinction between the blue and purple isn’t great. Would love to see the ability to customize these colors in a future firmware update.

The iron has a couple of clever portability features for those who often find themselves hacking on the go. The magnetic cap can be placed over the tip even when it’s hot, which means you don’t need to wait for the iron to cool down before you pack it away in your bag. The included USB-C cable also comes with a locking collar that mates with the groves in the tail of the iron — this keeps the cable from pulling out if you’ve got yourself contorted into some weird angle, but doesn’t prevent you from using your own cable should you want.

As for the tip, it can be easily removed without tools and uses a 3.5 mm TRS plug like the Miniware TS80, although I don’t have a TS80 handy to test if the tips are actually compatible. For their part, iFixit says they plan on offering an array of styles and sizes of tips in addition to the 1.5 mm bevel that the Smart Soldering Iron ships with.

Portable Power Station

While it’s not required to use the Smart Soldering Iron, for the best experience, you’ll want to spring for the Portable Power Station. It’s essentially a 5,200 mAh battery bank capable of powering devices at 100 W, with a single USB-C port on the back for charging and two on the front for whatever devices you want to plug into it.

The trick is, once the Station detects you’ve plugged a Smart Soldering Iron into it, you’re given the ability to configure it via the OLED screen and rotary encoder on the front of the device. There’s even support for connecting a pair of Smart Soldering Irons to the Station, each with its own independent configuration. Though in that case, both would have to share the total 100 W output.

Assuming a single Smart Soldering Iron, iFixit says you should expect to get up to eight hours of runtime from the Portable Power Station. Of course there are a lot of variables involved, so your mileage may vary. If you’re spending most of your time at the bench, you can keep the rear USB-C port connected to a Power Delivery charger and use it more or less like a traditional station.

The Internet of Irons

Plugging the Smart Soldering Iron into the Power Station is the most obvious way of tweaking its various settings, but as I mentioned earlier, it’s not the only way.

Maybe you don’t want to buy the Station, or you left it at home. In either event, you can simply plug the iron into your computer and configure it via WebSerial.

You’ll need a browser based on Chrome to pull this trick off, as Mozilla has decided (at least, for now) to not include the capability in Firefox. In testing, it worked perfectly on both my Linux desktop and Chromebook.

Unfortunately, plugging the iron into your phone won’t work, as the mobile version of Chrome does not currently support WebSerial. But given the vertical layout of the interface and the big touch-friendly buttons, I can only assume that iFixit is either banking on this changing soon or has a workaround in mind. Being able to plug the iron into your phone for a quick settings tweak would be incredibly handy, so hopefully it will happen one way or another.

The WebSerial interface not only gives you access to all the same settings as plugging the iron into the Power Station does, but it also serves as the mechanism for updating the firmware on the iron.

Incidentally, the Power Station has it’s own nearly identical WebSerial interface. Primarily this would be used for upgrading the firmware, but it’s not hard to imagine that some users would prefer being able to change their settings on the big screen rather than having to squint at an OLED not much larger than their thumbnail.

Solder At Your Command

But wait! I hear those gears turning in your head. If the Smart Soldering Iron into the Power Station both feature WebSerial interfaces that let you play around with their settings, does that mean they might also offer a traditional serial interface for you to poke around in?

Hell yeah they do!

There was no mention of this terminal interface in any of the documentation I received from iFixit, but thanks to the built-in help function and tab completion, I was able to make my way around the various tools and functions. I never knew how badly I yearned to adjust the temperature on my soldering station from the command line before this moment. There’s clearly a lot of potential here, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the community can come up given this level of control.

A Look Under the Hood

iFixit offered to give me a peek at the in-development repair guides for the Smart Soldering Iron and the Power Station, but I passed. For one thing, there’s no doubt in my mind that the finished product is going to be phenomenally detailed. Just look at any of their in-house guides, and you’ll know what to expect. But more to the point, I wanted to see how hard it would be to take the two devices apart without any guidance.

I’m happy to report that the iron and its base station are some of the most easily dissembled devices I’ve ever come across. No glue, weird tape, or hidden fasteners. No little plastic tabs that break if you look at them the wrong way. Just two pieces of hardware that were designed and assembled in a logical enough way that you only need to look at them to understand how it all goes together.

Of course, this should come as no surprise. Imagine the mud that would have been slung had iFixit had dropped the ball here. You can’t very well campaign for repairability if you don’t hold your own products to the same standards you do for everyone else. Presumably they designed the Smart Soldering Iron and the Power Station to hit a perfect ten by their published standards, and from what I’ve seen, they nailed it.

I also got a look at the schematics, exploded diagrams, and parts list for both products. Like the repair guides, these won’t be made public until the hardware ships in October. But don’t worry, this isn’t some crowdsource bait-and-switch. They’ve got the goods, and it’s all very impressive.

Now to be clear, we’re not talking open source hardware here. Don’t expect to pull Gerbers from a GitHub repo so you can crank out your own Power Station. But the documentation they’re providing is remarkable for a consumer device. The schematics especially — they’re filled with all sorts of notes in the margins from the engineers which were fascinating to go through.

Investing in the Future

If I’ve not made it abundantly clear so far, iFixit really blew me away with the Portable Soldering System. I knew they would put a solid effort into the product from their reputation alone, but even still, I wasn’t expecting the hardware and software to be this polished. iFixit didn’t just raise the bar, they sent it into orbit.

But all this comes at a price. Literally. The Smart Soldering Iron alone will set you back $79.95, and if you want to get the Power Station along with it, the combo comes in at $249.95. You could get a nice soldering station from Weller or Hakko for half the price. Then again, it’s hard to compare what iFixit is offering here to anything else on the market.

In the end, this is one of those times when you’ve got to decide what’s really important to you. If you just want a quality soldering station, there are cheaper options that will meet all of your needs and then some. But if you want to support a company that’s working to change the status quo, sometimes you’ve got to reach a little deeper into those pockets.

Inkycal Makes Short Work of e-Paper Dashboards

Por: Tom Nardi
12 Septiembre 2024 at 08:00

The e-paper “dashboard” is something we’ve seen plenty of times here at Hackaday. Use it to show your daily schedule, the news, weather, maybe the latest posts from your favorite hardware hacking website. Any information source that doesn’t need to be updated more than every hour or so is a perfect candidate. All you’ve got to do is write the necessary code to pull  down said data and turn it into a visually attractive display.

Well, that last part isn’t always so easy. There are plenty of folks who have no problem cobbling together a Raspberry Pi and one of the commercially available e-paper modules, but writing the software to turn it into a useful information center is another story entirely. Luckily, Inkycal is here to help.

This open source project uses Python to pull information from a wide variety of sources and turns it into an e-paper friendly dashboard. It works with Waveshare displays ranging from 4.2 inches all the way up to the massive 12 inch tricolor panels. While it could theoretically be deployed on any operating system running a modern version of Python, it’s primarily developed to be run under Linux and on the Raspberry Pi. All of the versions of the Pi are supported, so no need to spring for the latest and greatest model. In fact, the notoriously pokey Raspberry Pi Zero is their recommended platform thanks to its low power consumption.

With Inkycal on the Pi — they even provide a pre-configured SD card image — and the e-paper display hooked up, all you need to do is pick which sources you want to use from the web-based configuration page. Look ma, no code!

Not feeling like putting the hardware together either? Well, we might wonder how you’ve found yourself on Hackaday if that’s the case. But if you really would rather buy then build, you can get a pre-built Inkcal display right now on Tindie.

Microsoft Sculpt Keyboard Lives Again with RP2040

Por: Tom Nardi
9 Septiembre 2024 at 08:00

Hackaday readers are likely the kind of folks that have a favorite keyboard, so you can probably imagine how devastating it would be to find out that the board you’ve sworn by for years is going out of production. Even worse, the board has some internal gremlins that show up after a few years of use, so functional ones in the second-hand market are becoming increasingly rare. So what do you do?

This is the position [TechBeret] recently found himself in with his beloved Sculpt keyboard. When Microsoft decided to step back from the peripheral market last year, he started looking at alternatives. Finding none of them appealing, he decided instead to breathe new life into the ergonomic keyboard with the RP2040. Every aspect of the resurrection is covered in a phenomenally detailed write-up on his blog, making this a valuable case study in modernizing peripherals with the popular microcontroller.

According to [TechBeret], the biggest problem with the Sculpt was its wonky wireless hardware. It was bad enough that the board was permanently paired to its USB dongle, but apparently, the RF side of things would degrade over time, leading to an ever shorter range. So he decided the best course of action was to simply give the board a brain transplant. Since he didn’t really want it to be wireless anyway, he figured it wouldn’t be too difficult to create a replacement PCB that reads the keyboard matrix and speaks USB Human Interface Device (HID).

Checking the fit with a 3D-printed PCB

In fact, he was able to find a couple of projects that did that exactly. Instead of copying them, he took them as inspiration to help direct his own effort. His primary goal was to develop a drop-in replacement for the original PCB — specifically, he didn’t want to have to take a Dremel to his keyboard just to get it working again. He also wanted to use components he knew would be available for the foreseeable future, as well as bring USB-C support to the party. Finally, he didn’t want to get bogged down in writing code, so the replacement board had to be able to run the popular QMK firmware.

By his own admission, [TechBeret] is no expert in such matters. But that makes the write-up all the more compelling. Rather than seeing a perfect result on the first attempt, we get to learn along through his trials and tribulations. Even if you’ve done this kind of thing before, we bet you’ll pick up some interesting tricks along the way. We particularly liked his tip about test-fitting your PCB by exporting it as a STEP file and 3D printing a replica.

It might seem like a lot of work to save a keyboard, but then, those who’ve come to love it — like our very own [Lewin Day] — will tell you the Sculpt isn’t just any keyboard. QMK might even make it better.

Multi-Material Printing Enables Low Cost Silicone Prototypes

Por: Tom Nardi
4 Septiembre 2024 at 11:00

While it’s the ideal choice for mass production, injection molding is simply no good for prototyping. The molds are expensive and time-consuming make, so unless you’ve got the funding to burn tens of thousands of dollars on producing new ones each time you make a tweak to your design, they’re the kind of thing you don’t want to have made until you’re absolutely sure everything is dialed in and ready. So how do you get to that point without breaking the bank?

That’s not always an easy question, but if you’re working with silicone parts, the team at OpenAeros thinks they might have a solution for you. As demonstrated through their OpenRespirator project, the team has developed a method of 3D printing single-use molds suitable for large silicone parts that they’re calling Digital-to-Silicone (D2S).

In the video below, [Aaron] and [Jon] explain that they started off by simply printing injection molds in the traditional style. This worked, but the molds can get quite complex, and the time and effort necessary to design and print them wasn’t a great fit for their iterative development cycle. They wanted to be able to do from design to prototype in a day, not a week.

Eventually they realized that if they printed the mold out of a water-soluble filament, they could simplify its design greatly. They’ve documented the design process in detail, but the short version is that you essentially subtract the 3D model of the design you want to produce from a solid shape in your CAD package, and add a few holes for injecting the silicone. Once the silicone has cured, the mold can be dissolved away in warm water to reveal the finished part.

They then took this concept a step further. Thanks to the multi-material capabilities offered by some of the latest 3D printers, it’s possible to print structures within the mold. Once the silicone is injected, these structures can become part of the finished part. For the OpenRespirator, this lets them add PETG stiffening rings around where the filters to snap into the silicone mask body.

As an added bonus, the video also goes over their method of prototyping pleated filters with 3D printed forms. After inserting the filter media, snap-in arms push it down into the valleys of the form to create the pleats. These are held in place with the addition of small metal rods that are attracted to the magnets embedded into the form. Once the top and bottom of the form have been closed over the filter, silicone is injected to create a ring around the filter and lock everything into place.

We often think of 3D printing as ideal for prototyping, but usually in a very direct and obvious way. You print out a part to see if it works the way you want, and then take the design and have it made out of something stronger. But this presentation from OpenAeros shows just how versatile the technology can be. With even a half-way decent desktop printer, the potential time and cost savings can be enormous. Something to keep in mind should one of your side projects turn into something bigger.

OpenSCAD Library Creates QR Codes on the Fly

Por: Tom Nardi
4 Septiembre 2024 at 08:00

If you’ve been reading Hackaday for awhile, you’ll know we’re big fans of OpenSCAD around these parts. There’s a number of reasons it’s a tool we often reach for, but certainly one of the most important ones is its parametric nature. Since you’re already describing the object you want to generate with code and variables, it’s easy to do things like generate an arbitrary number of cloned objects by using a for loop.

There are a number of fantastic OpenSCAD libraries that explore this blurred line between code and physical objects, and one that recently caught our eye is scadqr from [xypwn]. The description says it lets you “Effortlessly generate QR codes directly in OpenSCAD”, and after playing around with it for a bit, we have to agree.

How effortlessly are we talking about? Take a look:

Yeah, that’s pretty damn easy. Even better, there’s no alphabet soup of libraries or APIs going on behind the scenes here. It’s just a single file you include in your OpenSCAD script. In fact, you don’t even need to go that far. As [xypwn] explains, the source for the library itself is just the one file, so you could just copy its code right into your project if you didn’t want to have to pull it in as an include. That could be especially handy if you’re deploying this code somewhere that doesn’t let you pull in external files, like Thingiverse’s Customizer.

Now, there’s all sorts of reasons you might want to create a QR code from within OpenSCAD. But one of first ones that popped into our heads is for the purposes of part identification. Forget simple version numbers, this library would let you physically embed all sorts of ancillary data into your printed components, like who rendered them and at what time. Or perhaps each printed part in an assembly could have a unique QR code that pointed to its respective page in your online documentation.

Got any interesting ideas? Let us know in the comments.

Portable Multi-SDR Rig Keeps Your Radios Cool

Por: Tom Nardi
3 Septiembre 2024 at 11:00

With as cheap and versatile as RTL-SDR devices are, it’s a good idea to have a couple of them on hand for some rainy day hacking. In fact, depending on what signals you’re trying to sniff out of the air, you may need multiple interfaces anyway. Once you’ve amassed this arsenal of software defined radios, you may find yourself needing a way to transport and deploy them. Luckily, [Jay Doscher] has you covered.

His latest creation, the SDR SOLO, is a modular system for mounting RTL-SDRs. Each dongle is encased in its own 3D printed frame, which not only protects it, but makes it easy to attach to the base unit. To keep the notoriously toasty radios cool, each frame has been designed to maximize airflow. You can even mount a pair of 80 mm fans to the bottom of the stack to really get the air moving. The current design is based around the RTL-SDR Blog V4, but could easily be adapted to your dongle of choice.

In addition to the row of SDR dongles, the rig also includes a powered USB hub. Each radio connects to the hub via a short USB cable, which means that you’ll only need a single USB cable running back to your computer. There’s also various mounts and adapters for attaching antennas to the system. Stick it all on the end of a tripod, and you’ve got a mobile radio monitoring system that’ll be the envy of the hackerspace.

As we’ve come to expect, [Jay] put a lot of thought and effort into the CAD side of this project. Largely made of 3D printed components, his projects often feature a rugged and professional look that really stands out.

Video Baby Monitor Repair Uncovers Private Data

Por: Tom Nardi
2 Septiembre 2024 at 23:00

As the name of the channel implies, [BuyItFixIt] likes to pick up cheap gadgets that are listed as broken and try to repair them. It’s a pastime we imagine many Hackaday readers can appreciate, because even if you can’t get a particular device working, you’re sure to at least learn something useful along the way.

But after recently tackling a VTech video baby monitor from eBay, [BuyItFixIt] manages to do both. He starts by opening up the device and going through some general electronics troubleshooting steps. The basics are very much worth following along with if you’ve ever wondered how to approach a repair when you don’t know what the problem is. He checks voltages, makes sure various components are in spec, determines if the chips are talking to each other with the oscilloscope, and even pulls out the thermal camera to see if anything is heating up. But nothing seems out of the ordinary.

The scope uncovers some serial data.

While poking around with the oscilloscope, however, he did notice what looked like the output of a serial debug port. Sure enough, when connected to a USB serial adapter, the camera’s embedded Linux operating system started dumping status messages into the terminal. But before it got too far along in the boot process, it crashed with a file I/O error — which explains why the hardware all seemed to check out fine.

Now that [BuyItFixIt] knew it was a software issue, he started using the tools built into the camera’s bootloader to explore the contents of the device’s flash chip. He uncovered the usual embedded Linux directories, but when he peeked into one of the partitions labeled Vtech_data2, he got a bit of a shock: the device seemed to be holding dozens of videos. This is particularly surprising considering the camera is designed to stream video to the parent unit, and the fact that it could record video internally was never mentioned in the documentation.

While copying the chip’s contents over serial would have been possible, [BuyItFixIt] instead pulled it out and physically dumped the whole thing with a reader. With a bit of Linux-fu, he’s able to mount the chip dump and confirm that the videos in question are of the previous owner’s infant. Yikes. Of course, he promptly deleted the files once he realized what the camera had stored, but it makes us wonder how many cameras like these are holding private video files waiting for a bad actor to uncover them. This is an important reminder of the inherent dangers of tossing away “broken” smart devices.

Dozens of videos featuring the parent and child were still stored on the device.

As for the repair itself, [BuyItFixIt] reasoned that some file — maybe the database of videos — must have been corrupted on the chip, so he took the nuclear option and wiped it all out. He had to use the bootloader commands to recreate the partition table, but once that was done, the firmware seemed to understand that it had been returned to a factory state and was finally able to boot up normally. He’s documented the commands he used to get it back up and running in the hopes he can help out somebody else with a similarly ailing camera.

We can never get enough of this sort of firmware hacking, and the fact that this particular bout opened up with a great real-world example of hardware diagnosis makes it all the better. This is a long video, but one that’s well worth your time to check out. If you’d like to see more repairs from [BuyItFixIt], we’ve got you covered.

Running Stock MS-DOS on a Modern ThinkPad

Por: Tom Nardi
22 Agosto 2024 at 11:00

It might seem like the days of MS-DOS were a lifetime ago because…well, they basically were. Version 6.22 of the venerable operating system, the last standalone release, came out back in 1994. That makes even the most recent version officially 30 years old. A lot has changed in the computing world since that time, so naturally trying to run such an ancient OS on even a half-way modern machine would be a waste of time. Right?

As it turns out, getting MS-DOS 6.22 running on a modern computer isn’t nearly as hard as you’d think. In fact, it works pretty much perfectly. Assuming, that is, you pick the right machine. [Yeo Kheng Meng] recently wrote in to share his experiments with running the final DOS release on his Intel-powered ThinkPad X13 from 2020, and the results are surprising to say the least.

To be clear, we’re not talking about some patched version of DOS here. There’s no emulator at work either. Granted [Yeo] did embrace a few modern conveniences, such as using a USB floppy drive emulator to load the disk images instead of fiddling with actual floppies, and installing DOS onto an external drive so as not to clobber his actual OS on the internal NVME drive. But other than that, the installation of DOS on the ThinkPad went along just as it would have in the 1990s.

IBM’s 1984 luggable running the same OS as a modern ThinkPad

It’s impressive enough that MS-DOS can still be installed on such a modern machine. But what’s really surprising is how well it all works. [Yeo] reports that the bulk of the ThinkPad’s hardware worked as expected, although he did have to pull in some modern open source drivers such as SBEMU, which makes DOS think the laptop’s Intel HD audio chip is an old school Sound Blaster card. He was even able to get several different Thunderbolt-connected Gigabit Ethernet adapters working.

Not all of the DOS benchmark tools [Yeo] tried on the machine would actually run, but as you might imagine, the ones that did reported some fairly spectacular results. After all, a machine with specs like this would have been the stuff of science fiction when those tools were written.

So how is this all possible? [Yeo] notes that this is one of the final Lenovo laptops to support “Legacy BIOS” mode, as everything after this point is pure UEFI. This particular machine also features a “Thunderbolt BIOS Assist Mode” which makes connected devices seem like standard PCI cards.

In the end, the experiment shows that Intel and Lenovo have done an incredible job of maintaining backwards compatibility with their respective hardware. While it seems like this is the end of the road for your average consumer computer due to issues such as the UEFI switch over, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to scratch that retro itch with the right hardware.
