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Google FindMy Tools Run on an ESP32

12 Febrero 2025 at 00:00

As of about a day ago, Google’s reasonably new Find My network just got more useful. [Leon Böttger] released his re-implementation of the Android tracker network: GoogleFindMyTools. Most interestingly for us, there is example code to turn an ESP32 into a trackable object. Let the games begin!

Everything is in its first stages here, and not everything has been implemented yet, but you are able to query devices for their keys, and use this to decrypt their latest location beacons, which is the main use case.

The ESP32 code appears not to support MAC address randomization just yet, so it’s possibly more trackable than it should be, but if you’re just experimenting with the system, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. The README also notes that you might need to re-register after three days of use. We haven’t gotten to play with it just yet. Have you?

If you’re worried about the privacy implications of yet another ubiquitous tracking system out there, you’re not alone. Indeed, [Leon] was one of the people working on the Air Guard project, which let iPhone users detect trackers of all sorts around them. Anyone know if there’s something like that for Android?

Thanks [Lars] for the hot tip!


Matthias Wandel Hates CNC Machines in Person

9 Febrero 2025 at 12:00

Prolific woodworking YouTuber [Matthias Wandel] makes some awesome mechanical contraptions, and isn’t afraid of computers, but has never been a fan of CNC machines in the woodshop. He’s never had one either, so until now he couldn’t really talk. But he had the parts on hand, so he built a wooden CNC router. It’s lovely.

The router itself is what 3D printer folks would call a bed-slinger, and it’s cobbled together out of scrap plywood. Some of the parts have extra holes drilled in them, but “measure once, drill twice” is our motto, so we’re not one to judge. He spends a lot of time making “crash pads” that keep the frame from destroying itself while he’s building it – once the CNC is actually controlling things with the limit switches, we presume they won’t be necessary, but their design is fun anyway.

If you’re at all interested in CNC machines, you should give this video a watch. Not because it’s done the “right” way, but because it’s a CNC that’s being built on a budget from first principles by an experienced wood builder, and it’s illuminating to watch him go. And by the end of the video, he is making additional parts for the machine on the machine, with all the holes in the right places, so he’s already stepping in the right direction.

He doesn’t love digital design and fabrication yet, though. If you’re making one-offs, it probably isn’t worth the setup time to program the machine, especially if you have all of his jigs and machines at your disposal. Still, we kind of hope he’ll see the light.

Of course, this isn’t the first wooden CNC router we’ve seen around these parts, and it probably won’t be the last. If you want to go even more fundamental, [Homo Faciens]’s series of CNC machines is a lovely mashup of paperclips and potential. Or, if refinement is more your style, this benchtop machine is the bee’s knees.

This QR Code Leads To Two Websites, But How?

23 Enero 2025 at 21:00

QR codes are designed with alignment and scaling features, not to mention checksums and significant redundancy. They have to be, because you’re taking photos of them with your potato-camera while moving, in the dark, and it’s on a curved sticker on a phone pole.  So it came as a complete surprise to us that [Christian Walther] succeeded in making an ambiguous QR code.

Nerd-sniped by [Guy Dupont], who made them using those lenticular lens overlays, [Christian] made a QR code that resolves to two websites depending on the angle at which it’s viewed. The trick is to identify the cells that are different between the two URLs, for instance, and split them in half vertically and horizontally: making them into a tiny checkerboard. It appears that some QR decoders sample in the center of each target square, and the center will be in one side or the other depending on the tilt of the QR code.

Figuring out the minimal-difference QR code encoding between two arbitrary URLs would make a neat programming exercise. How long before we see these in popular use, like back in the old days when embedding images was fresh? QR codes are fun!

Whether it works is probably phone- and/or algorithm-dependent, so try this out, and let us know in the comments if they work for you.

Thanks [Lacey] for the tip!


Bone Filament, For Printing Practice Bones

20 Enero 2025 at 06:00

Of course there is bone-simulation filament on the market. What’s fun about this Reddit thread is all of the semi-macabre concerns of surgeons who are worried about its properties matching the real thing to make practice rigs for difficult surgeries. We were initially creeped out by the idea, but now that we think about it, it’s entirely reassuring that surgeons have the best tools available for them to prepare, so why not 3D prints of the actual patient’s bones?

[PectusSurgeon] says that the important characteristics were that it doesn’t melt under the bone saw and is mechanically similar, but also that it looks right under x-ray, for fluorscopic surgery training. But at $100 per spool, you would be forgiven for looking around for substitutes. [ghostofwinter88] chimes in saying that their lab used a high-wood-content PLA, but couldn’t say much more, and then got into a discussion of how different bones feel under the saw, before concluding that they eventually chose resin.

Of course, Reddit being Reddit, the best part of the thread is the bad jokes. “Plastic surgery” and “my insurance wouldn’t cover gyroid infill” and so on. We won’t spoil it all for you, so enjoy.

When we first read “printing bones”, we didn’t know if they were discussing making replacement bones, or printing using actual bones in the mix. (Of course we’ve covered both before. This is Hackaday.)

Thanks [JohnU] for the tip!

All The Attacks on the RP2350

16 Enero 2025 at 00:02

Raspberry Pi’s new microcontroller, the RP2350, has a small section of memory that is meant for storing secrets. It’s protected by anti-glitching and other countermeasures, and the Raspberries wanted to test it. So this summer, they gave them out, pre-programmed with a secret string, as part of the badge for DEFCON attendees. The results of the cracking efforts are in, and it’s fair to say that the hackers have won.

First place went to [Aedan Cullen], who also gave a great talk about how he did it at 38C3. One of the coolest features of the RP2350, from a hacker perspective, is that it has dual ARM and dual RISC-V cores onboard, and they can be swapped out by multiplexers. The security module has a critical register that has disable bits for both of these processors, but it turns out that the ARM disable bits have priority. When [Aedan] glitched the security module just right, it disabled the ARM cores but left the RISC-V cores running in the secure context, with full debug(!), and the game was over. As of yet, there is no mitigation for this one, because it’s baked into the secure boot module’s silicon.

[Marius Muench] managed to pre-load malicious code into RAM and glitch a reboot-out-of-secure-mode on the USB module. This one is possibly fixable by checking other reboot flags. [Kévin Courdesses] has a sweet laser fault-injection rig that’s based on the 3D-printable OpenFlexure Delta Stage, which we’ve seen used for microscopy purposes, but here he’s bypassing the anti-glitching circuitry by exposing the die and hitting it hard with photons.

Finally, [Andrew Zonenberg] and a team from IOActive went at the RP2350 with a focused ion beam and just read the memory, or at least the pairwise-OR of neighboring bits. Pulling this attack off isn’t cheap, and it’s a more general property of all anti-fuse memory cells that they can be read out this way. Chalk this up as a mostly-win for the offense in this case.

If you want to read up on voltage glitching attacks yourself, and we promise we won’t judge, [Matthew Alt] has a great writeup on the topic. And ironically enough, one of his tools of choice is [Colin O’Flynn]’s RP2040-based Chip Shouter EMP glitcher, which he showed us how to make and use in this 2021 Remoticon talk.

Hackaday Europe 2025 Tickets on Sale, and CFP Extended Until Friday

14 Enero 2025 at 18:00

We’re opening up shop for Hackaday Europe, so get your tickets now! We’ve managed to get the ticket price down a bit this year, so you can join in all the fun for $145. And if you’re reading this right now, snap up one of the $75 early bird tickets as fast as you can.

Hackaday Europe is going down again in Berlin this year, on March 15th and 16th at MotionLab. It’s going to be a day and a half of presentations, lightning talks, badge hacking, workshops, and more. This is where Hackaday hangs out in person, and it’s honestly just a great time – if your idea of a great time is trading favorite PCB design tricks, crafting crufty code, and generally trading tales of hardware derring-do.

In short, it’s the best of Hackaday, live and in person. Throughout the weekend, all the meals are catered, we’ve got live music at night, and the soldering irons will be warmed up for you. It’s going to be great!

If you’re in town on Friday the 14th, we’ll be meeting up in the evening to get together over some pre-event food and drink, sponsored by Crowd Supply. It’s a nice opportunity to break the ice, get to know the people you’re going to be spending the next 48 hours with, and just mingle without missing that great talk or wonderful workshop.

The Badge

The badge is a showpiece of SAOs – the simple add-ons that we were cheekily calling “Supercon Add Ons” a couple months ago. For Supercon, we just exposed the I2C busses and GPIOs, flashed Micropython on the thing, and let you go wild. For Europe, the badge is going to have re-vamped firmware, and the range of SAOs that we’re including in the bag has gone bonkers.

You see, we held this Supercon Add-On Contest, and the winners were insane. Plus, we’ve got the Supercon-issue touch wheel, LED spiral, and CH32V003 prototyping boards. Did we mention that the badge can flash them through the SAO port?

And we would be remiss if we didn’t encourage you to take the step into making your own SAO to bring and trade with others. An SAO doesn’t have to be complicated to be cool. Just a good idea, and some time spent designing a PCB, getting it fabricated, assembling it, programming it, maybe debugging it, perhaps making a jig and some tooling to help you with the short production run… OK, who are we kidding? It’s a low-stakes, lighthearted look at the full-stack of hardware creation. Pick a meme, or do something unique, and get a small batch made. The experience is worth even more than the smiles you’ll put on all of our faces.

CFP Extended

Procrastineers, rejoice! Today marks the official end of the call for proposals, but since we always do, we’re extending it a bit. If you’ve been thinking about giving a talk, and just never reached activation energy, it’s now or never! Draft up an abstract and get it in before the clock strikes metaphorical midnight on Friday.

Everyone Can Participate

But it’s not just speakers who can bring something to show off at Hackaday Europe 2025. We’ve got lightning talks going on Sunday morning after brunch and before the badge hack showcase. The whole event is an informal show-and-tell anyway, because people always bring whatever they’re working on, or have just finished, to demo to a like-minded crowd. And on that note, if you want to bring something that’s cool but takes up more space than a breadbox, let us know by sending an e-mail to with [Hackaday Europe] in the subject line. We’ll try to find space for you.

But to join in, you’ve got to be there. Get your tickets now and we’ll see you in Berlin!

Fraens’ New Loom and the Limits of 3D Printing

12 Enero 2025 at 12:00

[Fraens] has been re-making industrial machines in fantastic 3D-printable versions for a few years now, and we’ve loved watching his creations get progressively more intricate. But with this nearly completely 3D-printable needle loom, he’s pushing right up against the edge of the possible.

The needle loom is a lot like the flying shuttle loom that started the Industrial Revolution, except for making belts or ribbons. It’s certainly among the most complex 3D-printed machines that we’ve ever seen, and [Fraens] himself says that it is pushing the limits of what’s doable in plastic — for more consistent webbing, he’d make some parts out of metal. But that’s quibbling; this thing is amazing.

There are mechanical details galore here. For instance, check out the cam-chain that raises, holds, and lowers arms to make the pattern. Equally important are the adjustable friction brakes on the rollers that hold the warp, that create a controlled constant tension on the strings.  (Don’t ask us, we had to Wikipedia it!) We can see that design coming in handy in some of our own projects.

On the aesthetic front, the simple but consistent choice of three colors for gears, arms, and frame make the build look super tidy. And the accents of two-color printing on the end caps is just the cherry on the top.

This is no small project, with eight-beds-worth of printed parts, plus all the screws, bearings, washers, etc. The models are for pay, but if you’re going to actually make this, that’s just a tiny fraction of the investment, and we think it’s going to a good home.

We are still thinking of making [Fraens]’s vibratory rock tumbler design, but check out all of his work if you’re interested in nice 3D-printed mechanical designs.

Blinkenlights-First Retrocomputer Design

11 Enero 2025 at 21:00

[Boz] wants to build a retrocomputer, but where to start? You could start with the computery bits, like say the CPU or the bus architecture, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, [Boz] built a righteous blinkenlights array.

What’s cool about this display is that it’s ready to go out of the box. All of the LEDs are reverse-mount and assembled by the board maker. The 19″ 2U PCBs serve as the front plates, so [Boz] was careful not to use any through-hole parts, which also simplified the PCB assembly, of course. Each slice has its own microcontroller and a few shift registers to get the bits lit up, and that’s all there is to it. They take incoming data at 9600 baud and output blinkiness.

Right now it pulls out its bytes from his NAS. We’re not sure which bytes, and we think we see some counters in there. Anyway, it doesn’t matter because it’s so pretty. And maybe someday the prettiness will lure [Boz] into building a retrocomputer to go under it. But honestly, we’d just relax and watch the blinking lights.

In Praise of Simple Projects

11 Enero 2025 at 18:00

Hackaday was at Chaos Communication Congress last week, and it’s one of those big hacker events that leaves you with so much to think about that I’m still processing it. Just for scope, the 38th CCC is a hacker event with about 15,000 attendees from all around Europe, and many from even further. If I were to characterize the crowd on a hardware-software affinity scale, I would say that it skews heavily toward the software side of the hacker spectrum.

What never ceases to amaze me is that there are a couple of zones that are centered on simple beginner soldering and other PCB art projects that are completely full 20 hours of the day. I always makes me wonder how it is possible to have this many hackers who haven’t picked up a soldering iron. Where do all these first-timers come from? I think I’m in a Hackaday bubble where not only does everyone solder at least three times a day, some of us do it with home-made reflow ovens or expensive microscopes.

But what this also means is that there’s tremendous reach for interesting, inviting, and otherwise cool beginner hardware projects. Hands-on learning is incredibly addictive, and the audience for beginner projects is probably ten times larger than that for intermediate or advanced builds. Having watched my own son putting together one of these kits, I understand the impact they can have personally, but it’s worth noting that the guy next to him was certainly in his mid-30s, and the girl across the way was even a few years younger than my son.

So let’s see some cool beginner projects! We’d love to feature more projects that could lure future hackers to the solder-smoky side.

This article is part of the newsletter, delivered every seven days for each of the last 200+ weeks. It also includes our favorite articles from the last seven days that you can see on the web version of the newsletter. Want this type of article to hit your inbox every Friday morning? You should sign up!

38C3: Taking Down the Power Grid Over Radio

2 Enero 2025 at 00:00

You know how you can fall down a rabbit hole when you start on a project? [Fabian Bräunlein] and [Luca Melette] were looking at a box on a broken streetlamp in Berlin. The box looked like a relay, and it contained a radio. It was a Funkrundsteueremfänger – a radio controlled power controller – made by a company called EFR. It turns out that these boxes are on many streetlamps in many cities, and like you do, they thought about how cool it would be to make lights blink, but on a city-wide basis. Haha, right? So they bought a bunch of these EFR devices on the used market and started hacking.

They did a lot of background digging, and found out that they could talk to the devices, both over their local built-in IR port, but also over radio. Ironically, one of the best sources of help they found in reversing the protocol was in the form of actually pressing F1 in the manufacturer’s configuration application – a program’s help page actually helped someone! They discovered that once they knew some particulars about how a node was addressed, they could turn on and off a device like a street lamp, which they demo with a toy on stage. So far, so cute.

But it turns out that these boxes are present on all sorts of power consumers and producers around central Europe, used to control and counteract regional imbalances to keep the electrical grid stable. Which is to say that with the same setup as they had, maybe multiplied to a network of a thousand transmitters, you could turn off enough power generation, and turn on enough load, to bring the entire power grid down to its knees. Needless to say, this is when they contacted both the manufacturer and the government.

The good news is that there’s a plan to transition to a better system that uses authenticated transmissions, and that plan has been underway since 2017. The bad news is that progress has been very slow, and in some cases stalled out completely. The pair view their work here as providing regulators with some extra incentive to help get this important infrastructure modernization back on the front burner. For instance, it turns out that large power plants shouldn’t be using these devices for control at all, and they estimate that fixing this oversight could take care of most of the threat with the least effort.

National power grids are complicated machines, to say the least, and the impact of a failure can be very serious. Just take a look at what happened in 2003 in the US northeast, for instance. And in the case of real grid failure, getting everything back online isn’t as simple a just turning the switches back on again. As [Fabian] and [Luca] point out here, it’s important to discover and disclose when legacy systems put the grid in potential danger.

38C3: Save Your Satellite with These Three Simple Tricks

30 Diciembre 2024 at 21:00

BEESAT-1 is a 1U cubesat launched in 2009 by the Technical University of Berlin. Like all good satellites, it has redundant computers onboard, so when the first one failed in 2011, it just switched over to the second. And when the backup failed in 2013, well, the satellite was “dead” — or rather sending back all zeroes. Until [PistonMiner] took a look at it, that is.

Getting the job done required debugging the firmware remotely — like 700 km remotely. Because it was sending back all zeroes, but sending back valid zeroes, that meant there was something wrong either in the data collection or the assembly of the telemetry frames. A quick experiment confirmed that the assembly routine fired off very infrequently, which was a parameter that’s modifiable in SRAM. Setting a shorter assembly time lead to success: valid telemetry frame.

Then comes the job of patching the bird in flight. [PistonMiner] pulled the flash down, and cobbled together a model of the satellite to practice with in the lab. And that’s when they discovered that the satellite doesn’t support software upload to flash, but does allow writing parameter words. The hack was an abuse of the fact that the original code was written in C++. Intercepting the vtables let them run their own commands without the flash read and write conflicting.

Of course, nothing is that easy. Bugs upon bugs, combined with the short communication window, made it even more challenging. And then there was the bizarre bit with the camera firing off after every flash dump because of a missing break in a case statement. But the camera never worked anyway, because the firmware didn’t get finished before launch.

Challenge accepted: [PistonMiner] got it working, and after fifteen years in space, and ten years of being “dead”, BEESAT-1 was taking photos again. What caused the initial problem? NAND flash memory needs to be cleared to zeroes before it’s written, and a bug in the code lead to a long pause between the two, during which a watchdog timeout fired and the satellite reset, blanking the flash.

This talk is absolutely fantastic, but may be of limited practical use unless you have a long-dormant satellite to play around with. We can nearly guarantee that after watching this talk, you will wish that you did. If so, the Orbital Index can help you get started.

38C3: Lawsuits are Temporary; Glory is Forever

30 Diciembre 2024 at 00:00

One of the blockbuster talks at last year’s Chaos Communications Congress covered how a group of hackers discovered code that allegedly bricked public trains in Poland when they went into service at a competitor’s workshop. This year, the same group is back with tales of success, lawsuits, and appearances in the Polish Parliament. You’re not going to believe this, but it’s hilarious.

The short version of the story is that [Mr. Tick], [q3k], and [Redford] became minor stars in Poland, have caused criminal investigations to begin against the train company, and even made the front page of the New York Times. Newag, the train manufacturer in question has opened several lawsuits against them. The lawsuit alleges the team is infringing on a Newag copyright — by publishing the code that locked the trains, no less! If that’s not enough, Newag goes on to claim that the white hat hackers are defaming the company.

What we found fantastically refreshing was how the three take all of this in stride, as the ridiculous but incredibly inconvenient consequences of daring to tell the truth. Along the way they’ve used their platform to speak out for open-sourcing publicly funded code, and the right to repair — not just for consumers but also for large rail companies. They are truly fighting the good fight here, and it’s inspirational to see that they’re doing so with humor and dignity.

If you missed their initial, more technical, talk last year, go check it out. And if you ever find yourself in their shoes, don’t be afraid to do the right thing. Just get a good lawyer.

38C3: Xobs on Hardware Debuggers

29 Diciembre 2024 at 18:00

If you just want to use a debugger for your microcontroller project, you buy some hardware device, download the relevant driver software, and fire up GDB. But if you want to make a hardware debugger yourself, you need to understand the various target chips’ debugging protocols, and then you’re deep in the weeds. But never fear, Sean [Xobs] Cross has been working on a hardware debugger and is here to share his learnings about the ARM, RISC-V, and JTAG debugging protocols with us.

He starts off with a list of everything you need the debugger hardware to be able to do: peek and poke memory, read and write to the CPU registers, and control the CPU’s execution state. With that simple list of goals, he then goes through how to do it for each of the target chip families. We especially liked [Xobs]’s treatment of the JTAG state machine, which looks pretty complicated on paper, but in the end, you only need to get it in and out of the shift-dr and shift-ir states.

This is a deep talk for sure, but if you’re ever in the throes of building a microcontroller programmer or debugger, it provides a much-appreciated roadmap to doing so.

And once you’ve got your hardware setup, maybe it’s time to dig into GDB? We’ve got you covered.

38C3: Towards an Open WiFi MAC Stack on ESP32

28 Diciembre 2024 at 21:00

At the 38th Chaos Communications Congress, [Frostie314159] and [Jasper Devreker] gave us a nice update on their project to write an open-source WiFi stack for the ESP32. If you’re interested in the ESP32 or WiFi in general, they’ve also got a nice deep dive into how that all works.

On the ESP32, there’s a radio, demodulator, and a media access controller (MAC) that takes care of the lowest-level, timing-critical bits of the WiFi protocol. The firmware that drives the MAC hardware is a licensed blob, and while the API or this blob is well documented — that’s how we all write software that uses WiFi after all — it’s limited in what it lets us do. If the MAC driver firmware were more flexible, we could do a lot more with the WiFi, from AirDrop clones to custom mesh modes.

The talk starts with [Jasper] detailing how he reverse engineered a lot of Espressif’s MAC firmware. It involved Ghidra, a Faraday cage, and a lucky find of the function names in the blob. [Frostie] then got to work writing the MAC driver that he calls Ferris-on-Air. Right now, it’s limited to normal old station mode, but it’s definite proof that this line of work can bear fruit.

This is clearly work in progress — they’ve only been at this for about a year now — but we’ll be keeping our eyes on it. The promise of the ESP32, and its related family of chips, being useful as a more general purpose WiFi hacking tool is huge.

Taking “Movies” of Light in Flight

26 Diciembre 2024 at 06:00

This one isn’t clickbait, but it is cheating. [Brian Haidet], the guy behind Alpha Phoenix, has managed to assemble movie footage of a laser beam crossing his garage, using a rig he put together for just a few hundred dollars. How, you ask? Well, for the long version, you’re going to want to watch the video, also embedded below. But we’ll give you the short version here.

Light travels about a foot in a nanosecond. What have you got that measures signals on a nanosecond scale pretty reliably? Of course, it’s your oscilloscope. The rest of [Brian]’s setup includes a laser that can pull off nanosecond pulses, a sensor with a nanosecond-ish rise time, and optics that collect the light over a very small field of view.

He then scans the effective “pinhole” across his garage, emitting a laser pulse and recording the brightness over time on the oscilloscope for each position. Repeating this many thousands of times and putting them all together relative to the beginning of each laser pulse results in a composite movie with the brightness at each location resolved accurately enough to watch the light beam fly. Or to watch different time-slices of thousands of beams fly, but as long as they’re all the same, there’s no real difference.

Of course, this isn’t simple. The laser driver needs to push many amps to get a fast enough rise time, and the only sensor that’s fast enough to not smear the signal is a photomultiplier tube. But persistence pays off, and the results are pretty incredible for something that you could actually do in your garage.

Photomultiplier tubes are pretty damn cool, and can not only detect very short light events, but also very weak ones, down to a single photon. Indeed, they’re cool enough that if you get yourself a few hundred thousand of them and put them in a dark place, you’re on your way to a neutrino detector. 

A Twenty-Segment Display, Artistically

24 Diciembre 2024 at 21:00

We all know and love the humble seven-segment display, right? And if you want to make characters as well as numbers, you can do an okay job with sixteen segments off the shelf. But if you want something more art-deco, you’ll probably want to roll your own. Or at least, [Ben] did, and you can find his designs up on GitHub.

Taking inspiration from [Posy]’s epic investigation of segmented displays, [Ben] sat down with a sketchpad and created his own 20-segment font that displays numbers and letters with some strange, but frankly lovely, segment shapes. There is no center line, so letters like “T” and numbers like “1” are a little skewed, but we think it’s charming.

We’ve seen about a bazillion takes on the seven-segment idea over the years here. Most recently, we fell in love with this 21-segment beauty, but honestly the original eight(!) segment patent version is charming as well. Anyway, picking a favorite segmented display at Hackaday is like picking your favorite child, if you have a few hundred children. We love them all.

Thanks [Aaron] for the tip!

The Mystery of the Messed-Up Hammond X5

24 Diciembre 2024 at 15:00

[Filip] got his hands on a sweet old Hammond X5 organ, but it had one crucial problem: only half of the keys worked. Each and every C#, D, D#, E, F, and F# would not play, up and down the keyboard, although the other notes in between sounded just fine.

Those of you with an esoteric knowledge of older electric organs will be saying “it’s a busted top-octave generator chip”, and you’re right. One of the TOGs worked, and the other didn’t. [Filip] rolled his own top-octave generator with a Pico, in Python no less, and the old beauty roared to life once more.

But what is a top-octave generator, you may ask? For a brief period of time in the early 70s, there were organs that ran on square waves. Because a musical octave is a doubling or halving of frequency, you can create a pitch for every key on the organ if you simply create one octave’s worth of pitches, and divide them all down using something as simple as a binary counter IC. But nobody makes top-octave chips any more.

Back in 2018, [DC Darsen] wrote in asking us if we knew about any DIY top-octave designs, and we put out an Ask Hackaday to see if you all could make a top-octave generator out of a microcontroller. We got a super-optimized code hack in response, and that’s worth checking out in its own right, but we always had the nagging suspicion that a hardware solution was the best solution.

We love how [Filip]’s design leans heavily on the Pico’s programmable input/output hardware modules to get the job done with essentially zero CPU load, allowing him to write in Python and entirely bypassing the cycle-counting and assembly language trickery. The voltage shifters and the switchable jumpers to swap between different top-octave chip types are a nice touch as well. If you have an organ that needs a top-octave chip in 2024, this is the way we’d do it. (And it sounds fantastic.)

Watch Any Video on Your Game Boy, Via Link Cable

24 Diciembre 2024 at 06:00

Game Boys have a link cable that lets two of them play together. You know, to battle with a friend’s Pokemon and stuff like that. But who says that it should be limited to transmitting only what Big N wants you to?

[Chromalock] wrote a custom GB program that takes in data over the link cable, and displays it on the screen as video, as fast as it can be sent. Add in a microcontroller, a level shifter, and software on the big computer side, and you can hook up your Game Boy Color as a normal video device and send it anything you want, from a webcam to any program that outputs video.

Well, almost. The biggest limitation is the data link cable, of course. On the older Game Boys, the link cable is apparently only good for 8 kHz, while the Color models can pull a not-quite-blistering 512 kHz. Still, that’s enough for 60 fps in a low-res black and white mode, or a slow, screen-tearing high-res color experience. You pick your poison.

There are gotchas that have to do with the way the GB displays palettes that get left as “to-do” on the software side. There is room for improvement in hardware too. (GB Link looks like SPI to us, and we’d bet you can push the speeds even higher with clever GB-side code.) In short, this is an awesome demo that just invites further hacking.

If you want to know more about the Game Boy to get started, and maybe even if you don’t, you absolutely must watch The Ultimate Game Boy Talk. Trust us on this one.

